const p = console.log const cwd = process.cwd! const swd = __dirname require 'colors' const fs = require 'fs' const path = require 'path' const prompt = require 'prompts' const spawn = require 'cross-spawn' def quit msg='Quit' console.error process.exit! const templates = 'default': path: 'default' name: 'Default' desc: 'Client only application (Imba bundler)' 'vite': path: 'vite' name: 'Vite' desc: 'Client only application (Vite bundler)' 'express': path: 'express' name: 'Express' desc: 'Full stack application (Imba bundler)' 'vitest': path: 'vitest' name: 'Vitest' desc: 'Client only application with vitest (Vite bundler)' 'module': path: 'module' name: 'Module' desc: 'A module that can be used in any JavaScript project (Vite bundler)' const noCopy = [ '.git' 'dist' 'node_modules' 'package-lock.json' ] def copy src, dest return if noCopy.includes path.basename(src) if path.basename(dest) is '_gitignore' dest = path.join(path.dirname(dest), '.gitignore') if fs.statSync(src).isDirectory! fs.mkdirSync(dest,recursive:yes) for file of fs.readdirSync(src) copy path.resolve(src,file), path.resolve(dest,file) else fs.copyFileSync(src,dest) def toValidRepoName name return unless typeof name is 'string' return name if name is '.' name = name.replaceAll(/[^\s\w.-]/g,'').trim!.replaceAll(/\s+/g,'-') if not name or name is '.' throw 'Project name can only contain a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . -' if name is '..' throw "Project name cannot be '..'" if fs.existsSync(name) throw "Project name '{name}' already exists in current directory" name def assertCleanGit try throw 1 if spawn.sync('git',['status','--porcelain']).output.join('') catch quit 'Creating a project in the current directory requires a clean git status' def main name, opts const promptOpts = onCancel: do quit! let projectName try projectName = toValidRepoName name catch e p( projectName ??= (await prompt { type: 'text' message: 'Enter a project name or . for current dir' initial: name or 'imba-project' format: toValidRepoName validate: do try yes if toValidRepoName($1) catch e e name: 'value' }, promptOpts).value assertCleanGit! if projectName is '.' let template = templates[opts.template] p('Template not found'.red) if opts.template and not template template ??= (await prompt { type: 'select' message: 'Choose a template or find more at ' + ''.blue choices: for own key, t of templates {, description:t.desc, value:t } initial: 0 name: 'value' }, promptOpts).value const src = path.join swd, '..', 'templates', template.path const dest = path.join cwd, projectName const packageName = projectName is '.' ? path.basename(cwd) : projectName const dirStr = "./{projectName is '.' ? '' : projectName}" unless opts.yes quit! unless (await prompt { type: 'confirm' message: "Create {} project named {packageName.cyan} in {dirStr.cyan}?" initial: yes name: 'value' }, promptOpts).value if dest is cwd assertCleanGit! elif fs.existsSync dest quit 'Project dir already exists' try copy src, dest p "\nCreated <{}> project named '{packageName}' in {dirStr}".green catch e quit "\nFailed to copy project:\n\n{e}" p '\nInstalling dependencies'.bold try process.chdir(dest) unless projectName is '.' spawn.sync 'npm', ['pkg', 'set', "name={packageName}"] spawn.sync 'npm', ['up', '-S'], stdio:'inherit' catch e p "\nFailed to install dependencies:\n\n{e}".red p """ Install the vscode extension for an optimal experience: {''.blue} Join the Imba community on discord for help and friendly discussions: {''.blue} Get started: {'➜'.cyan} cd {projectName} {'➜'.cyan} npm run dev """ module.exports = main