import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; import path from 'node:path'; import childProcess from 'node:child_process'; import process$1 from 'node:process'; import { s as signalExit, m as mergeStream, g as getStream, c as crossSpawn } from './vendor-index.7a2cebfe.js'; import url from 'node:url'; import { constants } from 'os'; import os from 'node:os'; function stripFinalNewline(input) { const LF = typeof input === 'string' ? '\n' : '\n'.charCodeAt(); const CR = typeof input === 'string' ? '\r' : '\r'.charCodeAt(); if (input[input.length - 1] === LF) { input = input.slice(0, -1); } if (input[input.length - 1] === CR) { input = input.slice(0, -1); } return input; } function pathKey(options = {}) { const { env = process.env, platform = process.platform } = options; if (platform !== 'win32') { return 'PATH'; } return Object.keys(env).reverse().find(key => key.toUpperCase() === 'PATH') || 'Path'; } function npmRunPath(options = {}) { const { cwd = process$1.cwd(), path: path_ = process$1.env[pathKey()], execPath = process$1.execPath, } = options; let previous; const cwdString = cwd instanceof URL ? url.fileURLToPath(cwd) : cwd; let cwdPath = path.resolve(cwdString); const result = []; while (previous !== cwdPath) { result.push(path.join(cwdPath, 'node_modules/.bin')); previous = cwdPath; cwdPath = path.resolve(cwdPath, '..'); } // Ensure the running `node` binary is used. result.push(path.resolve(cwdString, execPath, '..')); return [...result, path_].join(path.delimiter); } function npmRunPathEnv({env = process$1.env, ...options} = {}) { env = {...env}; const path = pathKey({env}); options.path = env[path]; env[path] = npmRunPath(options); return env; } const copyProperty = (to, from, property, ignoreNonConfigurable) => { // `Function#length` should reflect the parameters of `to` not `from` since we keep its body. // `Function#prototype` is non-writable and non-configurable so can never be modified. if (property === 'length' || property === 'prototype') { return; } // `Function#arguments` and `Function#caller` should not be copied. They were reported to be present in `Reflect.ownKeys` for some devices in React Native (#41), so we explicitly ignore them here. if (property === 'arguments' || property === 'caller') { return; } const toDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(to, property); const fromDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, property); if (!canCopyProperty(toDescriptor, fromDescriptor) && ignoreNonConfigurable) { return; } Object.defineProperty(to, property, fromDescriptor); }; // `Object.defineProperty()` throws if the property exists, is not configurable and either: // - one its descriptors is changed // - it is non-writable and its value is changed const canCopyProperty = function (toDescriptor, fromDescriptor) { return toDescriptor === undefined || toDescriptor.configurable || ( toDescriptor.writable === fromDescriptor.writable && toDescriptor.enumerable === fromDescriptor.enumerable && toDescriptor.configurable === fromDescriptor.configurable && (toDescriptor.writable || toDescriptor.value === fromDescriptor.value) ); }; const changePrototype = (to, from) => { const fromPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(from); if (fromPrototype === Object.getPrototypeOf(to)) { return; } Object.setPrototypeOf(to, fromPrototype); }; const wrappedToString = (withName, fromBody) => `/* Wrapped ${withName}*/\n${fromBody}`; const toStringDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Function.prototype, 'toString'); const toStringName = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Function.prototype.toString, 'name'); // We call `from.toString()` early (not lazily) to ensure `from` can be garbage collected. // We use `bind()` instead of a closure for the same reason. // Calling `from.toString()` early also allows caching it in case `to.toString()` is called several times. const changeToString = (to, from, name) => { const withName = name === '' ? '' : `with ${name.trim()}() `; const newToString = wrappedToString.bind(null, withName, from.toString()); // Ensure `to.toString.toString` is non-enumerable and has the same `same` Object.defineProperty(newToString, 'name', toStringName); Object.defineProperty(to, 'toString', {...toStringDescriptor, value: newToString}); }; function mimicFunction(to, from, {ignoreNonConfigurable = false} = {}) { const {name} = to; for (const property of Reflect.ownKeys(from)) { copyProperty(to, from, property, ignoreNonConfigurable); } changePrototype(to, from); changeToString(to, from, name); return to; } const calledFunctions = new WeakMap(); const onetime = (function_, options = {}) => { if (typeof function_ !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); } let returnValue; let callCount = 0; const functionName = function_.displayName || || ''; const onetime = function (...arguments_) { calledFunctions.set(onetime, ++callCount); if (callCount === 1) { returnValue = function_.apply(this, arguments_); function_ = null; } else if (options.throw === true) { throw new Error(`Function \`${functionName}\` can only be called once`); } return returnValue; }; mimicFunction(onetime, function_); calledFunctions.set(onetime, callCount); return onetime; }; onetime.callCount = function_ => { if (!calledFunctions.has(function_)) { throw new Error(`The given function \`${}\` is not wrapped by the \`onetime\` package`); } return calledFunctions.get(function_); }; const getRealtimeSignals=function(){ const length=SIGRTMAX-SIGRTMIN+1; return Array.from({length},getRealtimeSignal); }; const getRealtimeSignal=function(value,index){ return { name:`SIGRT${index+1}`, number:SIGRTMIN+index, action:"terminate", description:"Application-specific signal (realtime)", standard:"posix"}; }; const SIGRTMIN=34; const SIGRTMAX=64; const SIGNALS=[ { name:"SIGHUP", number:1, action:"terminate", description:"Terminal closed", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGINT", number:2, action:"terminate", description:"User interruption with CTRL-C", standard:"ansi"}, { name:"SIGQUIT", number:3, action:"core", description:"User interruption with CTRL-\\", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGILL", number:4, action:"core", description:"Invalid machine instruction", standard:"ansi"}, { name:"SIGTRAP", number:5, action:"core", description:"Debugger breakpoint", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGABRT", number:6, action:"core", description:"Aborted", standard:"ansi"}, { name:"SIGIOT", number:6, action:"core", description:"Aborted", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGBUS", number:7, action:"core", description: "Bus error due to misaligned, non-existing address or paging error", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGEMT", number:7, action:"terminate", description:"Command should be emulated but is not implemented", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGFPE", number:8, action:"core", description:"Floating point arithmetic error", standard:"ansi"}, { name:"SIGKILL", number:9, action:"terminate", description:"Forced termination", standard:"posix", forced:true}, { name:"SIGUSR1", number:10, action:"terminate", description:"Application-specific signal", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGSEGV", number:11, action:"core", description:"Segmentation fault", standard:"ansi"}, { name:"SIGUSR2", number:12, action:"terminate", description:"Application-specific signal", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGPIPE", number:13, action:"terminate", description:"Broken pipe or socket", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGALRM", number:14, action:"terminate", description:"Timeout or timer", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGTERM", number:15, action:"terminate", description:"Termination", standard:"ansi"}, { name:"SIGSTKFLT", number:16, action:"terminate", description:"Stack is empty or overflowed", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGCHLD", number:17, action:"ignore", description:"Child process terminated, paused or unpaused", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGCLD", number:17, action:"ignore", description:"Child process terminated, paused or unpaused", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGCONT", number:18, action:"unpause", description:"Unpaused", standard:"posix", forced:true}, { name:"SIGSTOP", number:19, action:"pause", description:"Paused", standard:"posix", forced:true}, { name:"SIGTSTP", number:20, action:"pause", description:"Paused using CTRL-Z or \"suspend\"", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGTTIN", number:21, action:"pause", description:"Background process cannot read terminal input", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGBREAK", number:21, action:"terminate", description:"User interruption with CTRL-BREAK", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGTTOU", number:22, action:"pause", description:"Background process cannot write to terminal output", standard:"posix"}, { name:"SIGURG", number:23, action:"ignore", description:"Socket received out-of-band data", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGXCPU", number:24, action:"core", description:"Process timed out", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGXFSZ", number:25, action:"core", description:"File too big", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGVTALRM", number:26, action:"terminate", description:"Timeout or timer", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGPROF", number:27, action:"terminate", description:"Timeout or timer", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGWINCH", number:28, action:"ignore", description:"Terminal window size changed", standard:"bsd"}, { name:"SIGIO", number:29, action:"terminate", description:"I/O is available", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGPOLL", number:29, action:"terminate", description:"Watched event", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGINFO", number:29, action:"ignore", description:"Request for process information", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGPWR", number:30, action:"terminate", description:"Device running out of power", standard:"systemv"}, { name:"SIGSYS", number:31, action:"core", description:"Invalid system call", standard:"other"}, { name:"SIGUNUSED", number:31, action:"terminate", description:"Invalid system call", standard:"other"}]; const getSignals=function(){ const realtimeSignals=getRealtimeSignals(); const signals=[...SIGNALS,...realtimeSignals].map(normalizeSignal); return signals; }; const normalizeSignal=function({ name, number:defaultNumber, description, action, forced=false, standard}) { const{ signals:{[name]:constantSignal}}= constants; const supported=constantSignal!==undefined; const number=supported?constantSignal:defaultNumber; return {name,number,description,supported,action,forced,standard}; }; const getSignalsByName=function(){ const signals=getSignals(); return signals.reduce(getSignalByName,{}); }; const getSignalByName=function( signalByNameMemo, {name,number,description,supported,action,forced,standard}) { return { ...signalByNameMemo, [name]:{name,number,description,supported,action,forced,standard}}; }; const signalsByName=getSignalsByName(); const getSignalsByNumber=function(){ const signals=getSignals(); const length=SIGRTMAX+1; const signalsA=Array.from({length},(value,number)=> getSignalByNumber(number,signals)); return Object.assign({},...signalsA); }; const getSignalByNumber=function(number,signals){ const signal=findSignalByNumber(number,signals); if(signal===undefined){ return {}; } const{name,description,supported,action,forced,standard}=signal; return { [number]:{ name, number, description, supported, action, forced, standard}}; }; const findSignalByNumber=function(number,signals){ const signal=signals.find(({name})=>constants.signals[name]===number); if(signal!==undefined){ return signal; } return signals.find((signalA)=>signalA.number===number); }; getSignalsByNumber(); const getErrorPrefix = ({timedOut, timeout, errorCode, signal, signalDescription, exitCode, isCanceled}) => { if (timedOut) { return `timed out after ${timeout} milliseconds`; } if (isCanceled) { return 'was canceled'; } if (errorCode !== undefined) { return `failed with ${errorCode}`; } if (signal !== undefined) { return `was killed with ${signal} (${signalDescription})`; } if (exitCode !== undefined) { return `failed with exit code ${exitCode}`; } return 'failed'; }; const makeError = ({ stdout, stderr, all, error, signal, exitCode, command, escapedCommand, timedOut, isCanceled, killed, parsed: {options: {timeout}}, }) => { // `signal` and `exitCode` emitted on `spawned.on('exit')` event can be `null`. // We normalize them to `undefined` exitCode = exitCode === null ? undefined : exitCode; signal = signal === null ? undefined : signal; const signalDescription = signal === undefined ? undefined : signalsByName[signal].description; const errorCode = error && error.code; const prefix = getErrorPrefix({timedOut, timeout, errorCode, signal, signalDescription, exitCode, isCanceled}); const execaMessage = `Command ${prefix}: ${command}`; const isError = === '[object Error]'; const shortMessage = isError ? `${execaMessage}\n${error.message}` : execaMessage; const message = [shortMessage, stderr, stdout].filter(Boolean).join('\n'); if (isError) { error.originalMessage = error.message; error.message = message; } else { error = new Error(message); } error.shortMessage = shortMessage; error.command = command; error.escapedCommand = escapedCommand; error.exitCode = exitCode; error.signal = signal; error.signalDescription = signalDescription; error.stdout = stdout; error.stderr = stderr; if (all !== undefined) { error.all = all; } if ('bufferedData' in error) { delete error.bufferedData; } error.failed = true; error.timedOut = Boolean(timedOut); error.isCanceled = isCanceled; error.killed = killed && !timedOut; return error; }; const aliases = ['stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr']; const hasAlias = options => aliases.some(alias => options[alias] !== undefined); const normalizeStdio = options => { if (!options) { return; } const {stdio} = options; if (stdio === undefined) { return => options[alias]); } if (hasAlias(options)) { throw new Error(`It's not possible to provide \`stdio\` in combination with one of ${ => `\`${alias}\``).join(', ')}`); } if (typeof stdio === 'string') { return stdio; } if (!Array.isArray(stdio)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected \`stdio\` to be of type \`string\` or \`Array\`, got \`${typeof stdio}\``); } const length = Math.max(stdio.length, aliases.length); return Array.from({length}, (value, index) => stdio[index]); }; const DEFAULT_FORCE_KILL_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 5; // Monkey-patches `childProcess.kill()` to add `forceKillAfterTimeout` behavior const spawnedKill = (kill, signal = 'SIGTERM', options = {}) => { const killResult = kill(signal); setKillTimeout(kill, signal, options, killResult); return killResult; }; const setKillTimeout = (kill, signal, options, killResult) => { if (!shouldForceKill(signal, options, killResult)) { return; } const timeout = getForceKillAfterTimeout(options); const t = setTimeout(() => { kill('SIGKILL'); }, timeout); // Guarded because there's no `.unref()` when `execa` is used in the renderer // process in Electron. This cannot be tested since we don't run tests in // Electron. // istanbul ignore else if (t.unref) { t.unref(); } }; const shouldForceKill = (signal, {forceKillAfterTimeout}, killResult) => isSigterm(signal) && forceKillAfterTimeout !== false && killResult; const isSigterm = signal => signal === os.constants.signals.SIGTERM || (typeof signal === 'string' && signal.toUpperCase() === 'SIGTERM'); const getForceKillAfterTimeout = ({forceKillAfterTimeout = true}) => { if (forceKillAfterTimeout === true) { return DEFAULT_FORCE_KILL_TIMEOUT; } if (!Number.isFinite(forceKillAfterTimeout) || forceKillAfterTimeout < 0) { throw new TypeError(`Expected the \`forceKillAfterTimeout\` option to be a non-negative integer, got \`${forceKillAfterTimeout}\` (${typeof forceKillAfterTimeout})`); } return forceKillAfterTimeout; }; // `childProcess.cancel()` const spawnedCancel = (spawned, context) => { const killResult = spawned.kill(); if (killResult) { context.isCanceled = true; } }; const timeoutKill = (spawned, signal, reject) => { spawned.kill(signal); reject(Object.assign(new Error('Timed out'), {timedOut: true, signal})); }; // `timeout` option handling const setupTimeout = (spawned, {timeout, killSignal = 'SIGTERM'}, spawnedPromise) => { if (timeout === 0 || timeout === undefined) { return spawnedPromise; } let timeoutId; const timeoutPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { timeoutKill(spawned, killSignal, reject); }, timeout); }); const safeSpawnedPromise = spawnedPromise.finally(() => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); }); return Promise.race([timeoutPromise, safeSpawnedPromise]); }; const validateTimeout = ({timeout}) => { if (timeout !== undefined && (!Number.isFinite(timeout) || timeout < 0)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected the \`timeout\` option to be a non-negative integer, got \`${timeout}\` (${typeof timeout})`); } }; // `cleanup` option handling const setExitHandler = async (spawned, {cleanup, detached}, timedPromise) => { if (!cleanup || detached) { return timedPromise; } const removeExitHandler = signalExit.exports(() => { spawned.kill(); }); return timedPromise.finally(() => { removeExitHandler(); }); }; function isStream(stream) { return stream !== null && typeof stream === 'object' && typeof stream.pipe === 'function'; } // `input` option const handleInput = (spawned, input) => { // Checking for stdin is workaround for // @todo remove `|| spawned.stdin === undefined` once we drop support for Node.js <=12.2.0 if (input === undefined || spawned.stdin === undefined) { return; } if (isStream(input)) { input.pipe(spawned.stdin); } else { spawned.stdin.end(input); } }; // `all` interleaves `stdout` and `stderr` const makeAllStream = (spawned, {all}) => { if (!all || (!spawned.stdout && !spawned.stderr)) { return; } const mixed = mergeStream(); if (spawned.stdout) { mixed.add(spawned.stdout); } if (spawned.stderr) { mixed.add(spawned.stderr); } return mixed; }; // On failure, `result.stdout|stderr|all` should contain the currently buffered stream const getBufferedData = async (stream, streamPromise) => { if (!stream) { return; } stream.destroy(); try { return await streamPromise; } catch (error) { return error.bufferedData; } }; const getStreamPromise = (stream, {encoding, buffer, maxBuffer}) => { if (!stream || !buffer) { return; } if (encoding) { return getStream.exports(stream, {encoding, maxBuffer}); } return getStream.exports.buffer(stream, {maxBuffer}); }; // Retrieve result of child process: exit code, signal, error, streams (stdout/stderr/all) const getSpawnedResult = async ({stdout, stderr, all}, {encoding, buffer, maxBuffer}, processDone) => { const stdoutPromise = getStreamPromise(stdout, {encoding, buffer, maxBuffer}); const stderrPromise = getStreamPromise(stderr, {encoding, buffer, maxBuffer}); const allPromise = getStreamPromise(all, {encoding, buffer, maxBuffer: maxBuffer * 2}); try { return await Promise.all([processDone, stdoutPromise, stderrPromise, allPromise]); } catch (error) { return Promise.all([ {error, signal: error.signal, timedOut: error.timedOut}, getBufferedData(stdout, stdoutPromise), getBufferedData(stderr, stderrPromise), getBufferedData(all, allPromise), ]); } }; const nativePromisePrototype = (async () => {})().constructor.prototype; const descriptors = ['then', 'catch', 'finally'].map(property => [ property, Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nativePromisePrototype, property), ]); // The return value is a mixin of `childProcess` and `Promise` const mergePromise = (spawned, promise) => { for (const [property, descriptor] of descriptors) { // Starting the main `promise` is deferred to avoid consuming streams const value = typeof promise === 'function' ? (...args) => Reflect.apply(descriptor.value, promise(), args) : descriptor.value.bind(promise); Reflect.defineProperty(spawned, property, {...descriptor, value}); } return spawned; }; // Use promises instead of `child_process` events const getSpawnedPromise = spawned => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { spawned.on('exit', (exitCode, signal) => { resolve({exitCode, signal}); }); spawned.on('error', error => { reject(error); }); if (spawned.stdin) { spawned.stdin.on('error', error => { reject(error); }); } }); const normalizeArgs = (file, args = []) => { if (!Array.isArray(args)) { return [file]; } return [file, ...args]; }; const NO_ESCAPE_REGEXP = /^[\w.-]+$/; const DOUBLE_QUOTES_REGEXP = /"/g; const escapeArg = arg => { if (typeof arg !== 'string' || NO_ESCAPE_REGEXP.test(arg)) { return arg; } return `"${arg.replace(DOUBLE_QUOTES_REGEXP, '\\"')}"`; }; const joinCommand = (file, args) => normalizeArgs(file, args).join(' '); const getEscapedCommand = (file, args) => normalizeArgs(file, args).map(arg => escapeArg(arg)).join(' '); const DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER = 1000 * 1000 * 100; const getEnv = ({env: envOption, extendEnv, preferLocal, localDir, execPath}) => { const env = extendEnv ? {...process$1.env, ...envOption} : envOption; if (preferLocal) { return npmRunPathEnv({env, cwd: localDir, execPath}); } return env; }; const handleArguments = (file, args, options = {}) => { const parsed = crossSpawn.exports._parse(file, args, options); file = parsed.command; args = parsed.args; options = parsed.options; options = { maxBuffer: DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER, buffer: true, stripFinalNewline: true, extendEnv: true, preferLocal: false, localDir: options.cwd || process$1.cwd(), execPath: process$1.execPath, encoding: 'utf8', reject: true, cleanup: true, all: false, windowsHide: true, ...options, }; options.env = getEnv(options); options.stdio = normalizeStdio(options); if (process$1.platform === 'win32' && path.basename(file, '.exe') === 'cmd') { // #116 args.unshift('/q'); } return {file, args, options, parsed}; }; const handleOutput = (options, value, error) => { if (typeof value !== 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { // When `execaSync()` errors, we normalize it to '' to mimic `execa()` return error === undefined ? undefined : ''; } if (options.stripFinalNewline) { return stripFinalNewline(value); } return value; }; function execa(file, args, options) { const parsed = handleArguments(file, args, options); const command = joinCommand(file, args); const escapedCommand = getEscapedCommand(file, args); validateTimeout(parsed.options); let spawned; try { spawned = childProcess.spawn(parsed.file, parsed.args, parsed.options); } catch (error) { // Ensure the returned error is always both a promise and a child process const dummySpawned = new childProcess.ChildProcess(); const errorPromise = Promise.reject(makeError({ error, stdout: '', stderr: '', all: '', command, escapedCommand, parsed, timedOut: false, isCanceled: false, killed: false, })); return mergePromise(dummySpawned, errorPromise); } const spawnedPromise = getSpawnedPromise(spawned); const timedPromise = setupTimeout(spawned, parsed.options, spawnedPromise); const processDone = setExitHandler(spawned, parsed.options, timedPromise); const context = {isCanceled: false}; spawned.kill = spawnedKill.bind(null, spawned.kill.bind(spawned)); spawned.cancel = spawnedCancel.bind(null, spawned, context); const handlePromise = async () => { const [{error, exitCode, signal, timedOut}, stdoutResult, stderrResult, allResult] = await getSpawnedResult(spawned, parsed.options, processDone); const stdout = handleOutput(parsed.options, stdoutResult); const stderr = handleOutput(parsed.options, stderrResult); const all = handleOutput(parsed.options, allResult); if (error || exitCode !== 0 || signal !== null) { const returnedError = makeError({ error, exitCode, signal, stdout, stderr, all, command, escapedCommand, parsed, timedOut, isCanceled: context.isCanceled || (parsed.options.signal ? parsed.options.signal.aborted : false), killed: spawned.killed, }); if (!parsed.options.reject) { return returnedError; } throw returnedError; } return { command, escapedCommand, exitCode: 0, stdout, stderr, all, failed: false, timedOut: false, isCanceled: false, killed: false, }; }; const handlePromiseOnce = onetime(handlePromise); handleInput(spawned, parsed.options.input); spawned.all = makeAllStream(spawned, parsed.options); return mergePromise(spawned, handlePromiseOnce); } export { execa as e };