var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; // vendor/jison/util/typal.js var require_typal = __commonJS({ "vendor/jison/util/typal.js"(exports2) { var typal2 = function() { var create = Object.create || function(o2) { function F() { } F.prototype = o2; return new F(); }; var position = /^(before|after)/; function layerMethod(k, fun) { var pos = k.match(position)[0], key = k.replace(position, ""), prop = this[key]; if (pos === "after") { this[key] = function() { var ret = prop.apply(this, arguments); var args = []; args.splice(0, 0, ret); fun.apply(this, args); return ret; }; } else if (pos === "before") { this[key] = function() { fun.apply(this, arguments); var ret = prop.apply(this, arguments); return ret; }; } } function typal_mix() { var self2 = this; for (var i = 0, o2, k; i < arguments.length; i++) { o2 = arguments[i]; if (!o2) continue; if (, "constructor")) this.constructor = o2.constructor; if (, "toString")) this.toString = o2.toString; for (k in o2) { if (, k)) { if (k.match(position) && typeof this[k.replace(position, "")] === "function"), k, o2[k]); else this[k] = o2[k]; } } } return this; } return { mix: typal_mix, beget: function typal_beget() { return arguments.length ? typal_mix.apply(create(this), arguments) : create(this); }, construct: function typal_construct() { var o2 = typal_mix.apply(create(this), arguments); var constructor = o2.constructor; var Klass = o2.constructor = function() { return constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Klass.prototype = o2; Klass.mix = typal_mix; return Klass; }, constructor: function typal_constructor() { return this; } }; }(); if (typeof exports2 !== "undefined") exports2.typal = typal2; } }); // vendor/jison/util/set.js var require_set = __commonJS({ "vendor/jison/util/set.js"(exports2) { var typal2 = require_typal().typal; var setMixin = { constructor: function Set_constructor(set, raw) { this._items = []; if (set && set.constructor === Array) this._items = raw ? set : set.slice(0); else if (arguments.length) this._items = [], 0); }, concat: function concat(setB) { this._items.push.apply(this._items, setB._items || setB); return this; }, eq: function eq(set) { return this._items.length === set._items.length && this.subset(set); }, indexOf: function indexOf(item) { if (item && item.eq) { for (var k = 0; k < this._items.length; k++) if (item.eq(this._items[k])) return k; return -1; } return this._items.indexOf(item); }, union: function union(set) { return new Set2(this._items).concat(this.complement(set)); }, intersection: function intersection(set) { return this.filter(function(elm) { return set.contains(elm); }); }, complement: function complement(set) { var that = this; return set.filter(function sub_complement(elm) { return !that.contains(elm); }); }, subset: function subset(set) { var cont = true; for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length && cont; i++) { cont = cont && set.contains(this._items[i]); } return cont; }, superset: function superset(set) { return set.subset(this); }, joinSet: function joinSet(set) { return this.concat(this.complement(set)); }, contains: function contains(item) { return this.indexOf(item) !== -1; }, item: function item(v, val) { return this._items[v]; }, i: function i(v, val) { return this._items[v]; }, first: function first() { return this._items[0]; }, last: function last() { return this._items[this._items.length - 1]; }, size: function size() { return this._items.length; }, isEmpty: function isEmpty() { return this._items.length === 0; }, copy: function copy() { return new Set2(this._items); }, toString: function toString() { return this._items.toString(); } }; "push shift unshift forEach some every join sort".split(" ").forEach(function(e, i) { setMixin[e] = function() { return Array.prototype[e].apply(this._items, arguments); }; setMixin[e].name = e; }); "filter slice map".split(" ").forEach(function(e, i) { setMixin[e] = function() { return new Set2(Array.prototype[e].apply(this._items, arguments), true); }; setMixin[e].name = e; }); var Set2 = typal2.construct(setMixin).mix({ union: function(a, b) { var ar = {}; for (var k = a.length - 1; k >= 0; --k) { ar[a[k]] = true; } for (var i = b.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!ar[b[i]]) { a.push(b[i]); } } return a; } }); if (typeof exports2 !== "undefined") exports2.Set = Set2; } }); // vendor/jison/jison.js var require_jison = __commonJS({ "vendor/jison/jison.js"(exports, module) { var typal = require_typal().typal; var Set = require_set().Set; var Jison = exports.Jison = exports; if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.log) { Jison.print = console.log; } else if (typeof puts !== "undefined") { Jison.print = function print2() { puts([], " ")); }; } else if (typeof print !== "undefined") { Jison.print = print; } else { Jison.print = function print2() { }; } Jison.Parser = function() { function each(obj, func) { if (obj.forEach) { obj.forEach(func); } else { var p2; for (p2 in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p2)) {, obj[p2], p2, obj); } } } } var Nonterminal = typal.construct({ constructor: function Nonterminal2(symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; = new Set(); this.first = []; this.follows = []; this.nullable = false; }, toString: function Nonterminal_toString() { var str = this.symbol + "\n"; str += this.nullable ? "nullable" : "not nullable"; str += "\nFirsts: " + this.first.join(", "); str += "\nFollows: " + this.first.join(", "); str += "\nProductions:\n " +"\n "); return str; } }); var Production = typal.construct({ constructor: function Production2(symbol, handle, id) { this.symbol = symbol; this.handle = handle; this.nullable = false; = id; this.first = []; this.precedence = 0; }, toString: function Production_toString() { return this.symbol + " -> " + this.handle.join(" "); } }); var generator = typal.beget(); generator.constructor = function Jison_Generator(grammar2, opt) { var options ={}, grammar2.options, opt); this.terms = {}; this.operators = {}; = []; this.conflicts = 0; this.resolutions = []; this.options = options; this.parseParams = grammar2.parseParams; this.yy = {}; if (grammar2.actionInclude) { if (typeof grammar2.actionInclude === "function") { grammar2.actionInclude = String(grammar2.actionInclude).replace(/^\s*function \(\) \{/, "").replace(/\}\s*$/, ""); } this.actionInclude = grammar2.actionInclude; } this.moduleInclude = grammar2.moduleInclude || ""; this.DEBUG = options.debug || false; if (this.DEBUG) this.mix(generatorDebug); this.processGrammar(grammar2); }; generator.processGrammar = function processGrammarDef(grammar2) { var bnf = grammar2.bnf, tokens2 = grammar2.tokens, nonterminals = this.nonterminals = {}, productions =, self2 = this; if (tokens2) { if (typeof tokens2 === "string") { tokens2 = tokens2.trim().split(" "); } else { tokens2 = tokens2.slice(0); } } var symbols = this.symbols = []; var operators2 = this.operators = processOperators(grammar2.operators); this.buildProductions(bnf, productions, nonterminals, symbols, operators2); if (tokens2 && this.terminals.length !== tokens2.length) { self2.trace("Warning: declared tokens differ from tokens found in rules."); self2.trace(this.terminals); self2.trace(tokens2); } this.augmentGrammar(grammar2); }; generator.augmentGrammar = function augmentGrammar(grammar2) { if ( === 0) { throw new Error("Grammar error: must have at least one rule."); } this.startSymbol = grammar2.start || grammar2.startSymbol ||[0].symbol; if (!this.nonterminals[this.startSymbol]) { throw new Error("Grammar error: startSymbol must be a non-terminal found in your grammar."); } this.EOF = "$end"; var acceptProduction = new Production("$accept", [this.startSymbol, "$end"], 0);; this.symbols.unshift("$accept", this.EOF); this.symbols_.$accept = 0; this.symbols_[this.EOF] = 1; this.terminals.unshift(this.EOF); this.nonterminals.$accept = new Nonterminal("$accept"); this.nonterminals.$; this.nonterminals[this.startSymbol].follows.push(this.EOF); }; function processOperators(ops) { if (!ops) return {}; var operators2 = {}; for (var i = 0, k, prec; prec = ops[i]; i++) { for (k = 1; k < prec.length; k++) { operators2[prec[k]] = { precedence: i + 1, assoc: prec[0] }; } } return operators2; } generator.buildProductions = function buildProductions(bnf, productions, nonterminals, symbols, operators2) { var actions = [ "/* self == yyval */", this.actionInclude || "", "var $0 = $$.length - 1;", "switch (yystate) {" ]; var actionGroups = {}; var prods, symbol; var productions_ = [0]; var symbolId = 1; var symbols_ = {}; var her = false; function addSymbol(s) { if (s && !symbols_[s]) { symbols_[s] = ++symbolId; symbols.push(s); } } addSymbol("error"); for (symbol in bnf) { if (!bnf.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) continue; addSymbol(symbol); nonterminals[symbol] = new Nonterminal(symbol); if (typeof bnf[symbol] === "string") { prods = bnf[symbol].split(/\s*\|\s*/g); } else { prods = bnf[symbol].slice(0); } prods.forEach(buildProduction); } for (var action in actionGroups) actions.push(actionGroups[action].join(" "), action, "break;"); var sym, terms = [], terms_ = {}; each(symbols_, function(id, sym2) { if (!nonterminals[sym2]) { terms.push(sym2); terms_[id] = sym2; } }); this.hasErrorRecovery = her; this.terminals = terms; this.terminals_ = terms_; this.symbols_ = symbols_; this.productions_ = productions_; actions.push("}"); actions = actions.join("\n").replace(/YYABORT/g, "return false").replace(/YYACCEPT/g, "return true"); var yyvalParam = "this"; var parameters = "self, yytext, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */"; if (this.parseParams) parameters += ", " + this.parseParams.join(", "); this.performAction = "function performAction(" + parameters + ") {\n" + actions + "\n}"; function buildProduction(handle) { var r, rhs, i; if (handle.constructor === Array) { rhs = typeof handle[0] === "string" ? handle[0].trim().split(" ") : handle[0].slice(0); for (i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) { if (rhs[i] === "error") her = true; if (!symbols_[rhs[i]]) { addSymbol(rhs[i]); } } if (typeof handle[1] === "string" || handle.length == 3) { var label = "case " + (productions.length + 1) + ":", action2 = handle[1]; if (action2.match(/[$@][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/)) { var count = {}, names = {}; for (i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) { var rhs_i = rhs[i].match(/\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/); if (rhs_i) { rhs_i = rhs_i[0].substr(1, rhs_i[0].length - 2); rhs[i] = rhs[i].substr(0, rhs[i].indexOf("[")); } else { rhs_i = rhs[i]; } if (names[rhs_i]) { names[rhs_i + ++count[rhs_i]] = i + 1; } else { names[rhs_i] = i + 1; names[rhs_i + "1"] = i + 1; count[rhs_i] = 1; } } action2 = action2.replace(/\$([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/g, function(str, pl) { return names[pl] ? "$" + names[pl] : str; }).replace(/@([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/g, function(str, pl) { return names[pl] ? "@" + names[pl] : str; }); } action2 = action2.replace(/([^'"])\$\$|^\$\$/g, "$1self.$").replace(/@[0$]/g, "self._$").replace(/\$(-?\d+)/g, function(_, n) { return "$$[$0" + (parseInt(n, 10) - rhs.length || "") + "]"; }).replace(/@(-?\d+)/g, function(_, n) { return "_$[$0" + (n - rhs.length || "") + "]"; }); if (action2 in actionGroups) actionGroups[action2].push(label); else actionGroups[action2] = [label]; rhs =, i2) { return e.replace(/\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/g, ""); }); r = new Production(symbol, rhs, productions.length + 1); if (handle[2] && operators2[handle[2].prec]) { r.precedence = operators2[handle[2].prec].precedence; } } else { rhs =, i2) { return e.replace(/\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/g, ""); }); r = new Production(symbol, rhs, productions.length + 1); if (operators2[handle[1].prec]) { r.precedence = operators2[handle[1].prec].precedence; } } } else { handle = handle.replace(/\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/g, ""); rhs = handle.trim().split(" "); for (i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) { if (rhs[i] === "error") her = true; if (!symbols_[rhs[i]]) { addSymbol(rhs[i]); } } r = new Production(symbol, rhs, productions.length + 1); } if (r.precedence === 0) { for (i = r.handle.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!(r.handle[i] in nonterminals) && r.handle[i] in operators2) { r.precedence = operators2[r.handle[i]].precedence; } } } productions.push(r); productions_.push([symbols_[r.symbol], r.handle[0] === "" ? 0 : r.handle.length]); nonterminals[symbol].productions.push(r); } }; generator.createParser = function createParser2() { throw new Error("Calling abstract method."); }; generator.trace = function trace() { }; generator.warn = function warn() { var args =, 0);, args.join("")); }; generator.error = function error(msg) { throw new Error(msg); }; var generatorDebug = { trace: function trace() { Jison.print.apply(null, arguments); }, beforeprocessGrammar: function() { this.trace("Processing grammar."); }, afteraugmentGrammar: function() { var trace = this.trace; each(this.symbols, function(sym, i) { trace(sym + "(" + i + ")"); }); } }; var lookaheadMixin = {}; lookaheadMixin.computeLookaheads = function computeLookaheads() { if (this.DEBUG) this.mix(lookaheadDebug); this.computeLookaheads = function() { }; this.nullableSets(); this.firstSets(); this.followSets(); }; lookaheadMixin.followSets = function followSets() { var productions =, nonterminals = this.nonterminals, self2 = this, cont = true; while (cont) { cont = false; productions.forEach(function Follow_prod_forEach(production, k) { var q; var ctx = !!self2.go_; var set = [], oldcount; for (var i = 0, t; t = production.handle[i]; ++i) { if (!nonterminals[t]) continue; if (ctx) q = self2.go_(production.symbol, production.handle.slice(0, i)); var bool = !ctx || q === parseInt(self2.nterms_[t], 10); if (i === production.handle.length + 1 && bool) { set = nonterminals[production.symbol].follows; } else { var part = production.handle.slice(i + 1); set = self2.first(part); if (self2.nullable(part) && bool) { set.push.apply(set, nonterminals[production.symbol].follows); } } oldcount = nonterminals[t].follows.length; Set.union(nonterminals[t].follows, set); if (oldcount !== nonterminals[t].follows.length) { cont = true; } } }); } }; lookaheadMixin.first = function first(symbol) { if (symbol === "") { return []; } else if (symbol instanceof Array) { var firsts = []; for (var i = 0, t; t = symbol[i]; ++i) { if (!this.nonterminals[t]) { if (firsts.indexOf(t) === -1) firsts.push(t); } else { Set.union(firsts, this.nonterminals[t].first); } if (!this.nullable(t)) break; } return firsts; } else if (!this.nonterminals[symbol]) { return [symbol]; } else { return this.nonterminals[symbol].first; } }; lookaheadMixin.firstSets = function firstSets() { var productions =, nonterminals = this.nonterminals, self2 = this, cont = true, symbol, firsts; while (cont) { cont = false; productions.forEach(function FirstSets_forEach(production, k) { var firsts2 = self2.first(production.handle); if (firsts2.length !== production.first.length) { production.first = firsts2; cont = true; } }); for (symbol in nonterminals) { firsts = []; nonterminals[symbol].productions.forEach(function(production) { Set.union(firsts, production.first); }); if (firsts.length !== nonterminals[symbol].first.length) { nonterminals[symbol].first = firsts; cont = true; } } } }; lookaheadMixin.nullableSets = function nullableSets() { var firsts = this.firsts = {}, nonterminals = this.nonterminals, self2 = this, cont = true; while (cont) { cont = false;, k) { if (!production2.nullable) { for (var i2 = 0, n = 0, t; t = production2.handle[i2]; ++i2) { if (self2.nullable(t)) n++; } if (n === i2) { production2.nullable = cont = true; } } }); for (var symbol in nonterminals) { if (!this.nullable(symbol)) { for (var i = 0, production; production = nonterminals[symbol].productions.item(i); i++) { if (production.nullable) nonterminals[symbol].nullable = cont = true; } } } } }; lookaheadMixin.nullable = function nullable(symbol) { if (symbol === "") { return true; } else if (symbol instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0, t; t = symbol[i]; ++i) { if (!this.nullable(t)) return false; } return true; } else if (!this.nonterminals[symbol]) { return false; } else { return this.nonterminals[symbol].nullable; } }; var lookaheadDebug = { beforenullableSets: function() { this.trace("Computing Nullable sets."); }, beforefirstSets: function() { this.trace("Computing First sets."); }, beforefollowSets: function() { this.trace("Computing Follow sets."); }, afterfollowSets: function() { var trace = this.trace; each(this.nonterminals, function(nt, t) { trace(nt, "\n"); }); } }; var lrGeneratorMixin = {}; lrGeneratorMixin.buildTable = function buildTable() { if (this.DEBUG) this.mix(lrGeneratorDebug); this.states = this.canonicalCollection(); this.table = this.parseTable(this.states); this.defaultActions = findDefaults(this.table); }; lrGeneratorMixin.Item = typal.construct({ constructor: function Item(production, dot, f, predecessor) { this.production = production; this.dotPosition = dot || 0; this.follows = f || []; this.predecessor = predecessor; = parseInt( + "a" + this.dotPosition, 36); this.markedSymbol = this.production.handle[this.dotPosition]; }, remainingHandle: function() { return this.production.handle.slice(this.dotPosition + 1); }, eq: function(e) { return ===; }, handleToString: function() { var handle = this.production.handle.slice(0); handle[this.dotPosition] = "." + (handle[this.dotPosition] || ""); return handle.join(" "); }, toString: function() { var temp = this.production.handle.slice(0); temp[this.dotPosition] = "." + (temp[this.dotPosition] || ""); return this.production.symbol + " -> " + temp.join(" ") + (this.follows.length === 0 ? "" : " #lookaheads= " + this.follows.join(" ")); } }); lrGeneratorMixin.ItemSet = Set.prototype.construct({ afterconstructor: function() { this.reductions = []; this.goes = {}; this.edges = {}; this.shifts = false; this.inadequate = false; this.hash_ = {}; for (var i = this._items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.hash_[this._items[i].id] = true; } }, concat: function concat(set) { var a = set._items || set; for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.hash_[a[i].id] = true; } this._items.push.apply(this._items, a); return this; }, push: function(item) { this.hash_[] = true; return this._items.push(item); }, contains: function(item) { return this.hash_[]; }, valueOf: function toValue() { var v = { return; }).sort().join("|"); this.valueOf = function toValue_inner() { return v; }; return v; } }); lrGeneratorMixin.closureOperation = function closureOperation(itemSet) { var closureSet = new this.ItemSet(); var self2 = this; var set = itemSet, itemQueue, syms = {}; do { itemQueue = new Set(); closureSet.concat(set); set.forEach(function CO_set_forEach(item) { var symbol = item.markedSymbol; if (symbol && self2.nonterminals[symbol]) { if (!syms[symbol]) { self2.nonterminals[symbol].productions.forEach(function CO_nt_forEach(production) { var newItem = new self2.Item(production, 0); if (!closureSet.contains(newItem)) itemQueue.push(newItem); }); syms[symbol] = true; } } else if (!symbol) { closureSet.reductions.push(item); closureSet.inadequate = closureSet.reductions.length > 1 || closureSet.shifts; } else { closureSet.shifts = true; closureSet.inadequate = closureSet.reductions.length > 0; } }); set = itemQueue; } while (!itemQueue.isEmpty()); return closureSet; }; lrGeneratorMixin.gotoOperation = function gotoOperation(itemSet, symbol) { var gotoSet = new this.ItemSet(), self2 = this; itemSet.forEach(function goto_forEach(item, n) { if (item.markedSymbol === symbol) { gotoSet.push(new self2.Item(item.production, item.dotPosition + 1, item.follows, n)); } }); return gotoSet.isEmpty() ? gotoSet : this.closureOperation(gotoSet); }; lrGeneratorMixin.canonicalCollection = function canonicalCollection() { var item1 = new this.Item([0], 0, [this.EOF]); var firstState = this.closureOperation(new this.ItemSet(item1)), states = new Set(firstState), marked = 0, self2 = this, itemSet; states.has = {}; states.has[firstState] = 0; while (marked !== states.size()) { itemSet = states.item(marked); marked++; itemSet.forEach(function CC_itemSet_forEach(item) { if (item.markedSymbol && item.markedSymbol !== self2.EOF) self2.canonicalCollectionInsert(item.markedSymbol, itemSet, states, marked - 1); }); } return states; }; lrGeneratorMixin.canonicalCollectionInsert = function canonicalCollectionInsert(symbol, itemSet, states, stateNum) { var g = this.gotoOperation(itemSet, symbol); if (!g.predecessors) g.predecessors = {}; if (!g.isEmpty()) { var gv = g.valueOf(), i = states.has[gv]; if (i === -1 || typeof i === "undefined") { states.has[gv] = states.size(); itemSet.edges[symbol] = states.size(); states.push(g); g.predecessors[symbol] = [stateNum]; } else { itemSet.edges[symbol] = i; states.item(i).predecessors[symbol].push(stateNum); } } }; var NONASSOC = 0; lrGeneratorMixin.parseTable = function parseTable(itemSets) { var states = [], nonterminals = this.nonterminals, operators2 = this.operators, conflictedStates = {}, self2 = this, s = 1, r = 2, a = 3; itemSets.forEach(function(itemSet, k) { var state = states[k] = {}; var action, stackSymbol; for (stackSymbol in itemSet.edges) { itemSet.forEach(function(item, j) { if (item.markedSymbol == stackSymbol) { var gotoState = itemSet.edges[stackSymbol]; if (nonterminals[stackSymbol]) { state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol]] = gotoState; } else { state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol]] = [s, gotoState]; } } }); } itemSet.forEach(function(item, j) { if (item.markedSymbol == self2.EOF) { state[self2.symbols_[self2.EOF]] = [a]; } }); var allterms = self2.lookAheads ? false : self2.terminals; itemSet.reductions.forEach(function(item, j) { var terminals = allterms || self2.lookAheads(itemSet, item); terminals.forEach(function(stackSymbol2) { action = state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol2]]; var op = operators2[stackSymbol2]; if (action || action && action.length) { var sol = resolveConflict(item.production, op, [r,], action[0] instanceof Array ? action[0] : action); self2.resolutions.push([k, stackSymbol2, sol]); if (sol.bydefault) { self2.conflicts++; if (!self2.DEBUG) { self2.warn("Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is ", stackSymbol2, " in state ", k, "\n- ", printAction(sol.r, self2), "\n- ", printAction(sol.s, self2)); conflictedStates[k] = true; } if (self2.options.noDefaultResolve) { if (!(action[0] instanceof Array)) action = [action]; action.push(sol.r); } } else { action = sol.action; } } else { action = [r,]; } if (action && action.length) { state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol2]] = action; } else if (action === NONASSOC) { state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol2]] = void 0; } }); }); }); if (!self2.DEBUG && self2.conflicts > 0) { self2.warn("\nStates with conflicts:"); each(conflictedStates, function(val, state) { self2.warn("State " + state); self2.warn(" ", itemSets.item(state).join("\n ")); }); } return states; }; function findDefaults(states) { var defaults = {}; states.forEach(function(state, k) { var i = 0; for (var act in state) { if ({}, act)) i++; } if (i === 1 && state[act][0] === 2) { defaults[k] = state[act]; } }); return defaults; } function resolveConflict(production, op, reduce, shift) { var sln = { production, operator: op, r: reduce, s: shift }, s = 1, r = 2, a = 3; if (shift[0] === r) { sln.msg = "Resolve R/R conflict (use first production declared in grammar.)"; sln.action = shift[1] < reduce[1] ? shift : reduce; if (shift[1] !== reduce[1]) sln.bydefault = true; return sln; } if (production.precedence === 0 || !op) { sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (shift by default.)"; sln.bydefault = true; sln.action = shift; } else if (production.precedence < op.precedence) { sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (shift for higher precedent operator.)"; sln.action = shift; } else if (production.precedence === op.precedence) { if (op.assoc === "right") { sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (shift for right associative operator.)"; sln.action = shift; } else if (op.assoc === "left") { sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (reduce for left associative operator.)"; sln.action = reduce; } else if (op.assoc === "nonassoc") { sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (no action for non-associative operator.)"; sln.action = NONASSOC; } } else { sln.msg = "Resolve conflict (reduce for higher precedent production.)"; sln.action = reduce; } return sln; } lrGeneratorMixin.generate = function parser_generate(opt) { opt ={}, this.options, opt); var code = ""; if (!opt.moduleName || !opt.moduleName.match(/^[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$]*$/)) { opt.moduleName = "parser"; } switch (opt.moduleType) { case "js": code = this.generateModule(opt); break; case "amd": code = this.generateAMDModule(opt); break; default: code = this.generateCommonJSModule(opt); break; } return code; }; lrGeneratorMixin.generateAMDModule = function generateAMDModule(opt) { opt ={}, this.options, opt); var module2 = this.generateModule_(); var out = "\n\ndefine(function(require){\n" + module2.commonCode + "\nvar parser = " + module2.moduleCode + "\n" + this.moduleInclude + (this.lexer && this.lexer.generateModule ? "\n" + this.lexer.generateModule() + "\nparser.lexer = lexer;" : "") + "\nreturn parser;\n});"; return out; }; lrGeneratorMixin.generateCommonJSModule = function generateCommonJSModule(opt) { opt ={}, this.options, opt); var moduleName = opt.moduleName || "parser"; var out = this.generateModule(opt) + "\n\n\nif (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\nexports.parser = " + moduleName + ";\nexports.Parser = " + moduleName + ".Parser;\nexports.parse = function () { return " + moduleName + ".parse.apply(" + moduleName + ", arguments); };\n}"; return out; }; lrGeneratorMixin.generateModule = function generateModule(opt) { opt ={}, this.options, opt); var moduleName = opt.moduleName || "parser"; var out = "/* parser generated by jison-fork */\n"; out += (moduleName.match(/\./) ? moduleName : "var " + moduleName) + " = " + this.generateModuleExpr(); return out; }; lrGeneratorMixin.generateModuleExpr = function generateModuleExpr() { var out = ""; var module2 = this.generateModule_(); out += "(function(){\n"; out += module2.commonCode; out += "\nvar parser = " + module2.moduleCode; out += "\n" + this.moduleInclude; if (this.lexer && this.lexer.generateModule) { out += this.lexer.generateModule(); out += "\nparser.lexer = lexer;"; } out += "\nfunction Parser () {\n this.yy = {};\n}\nParser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser;\nreturn new Parser;\n})();"; return out; }; function addTokenStack(fn) { var parseFn = fn; return fn; } function tokenStackLex() { var token; token = tstack.pop() || lexer.lex() || EOF; if (typeof token !== "number") { if (token instanceof Array) { tstack = token; token = tstack.pop(); } token = self.symbols_[token] || token; } return token; } lrGeneratorMixin.generateModule_ = function generateModule_() { var parseFn = String(parser.parse); nextVariableId = 0; var tableCode = this.generateTableCode(this.table); var commonCode = tableCode.commonCode; var moduleCode = "{"; moduleCode += [ "trace: " + String(this.trace || parser.trace), "yy: {}", "symbols_: " + JSON.stringify(this.symbols_), "terminals_: " + JSON.stringify(this.terminals_).replace(/"([0-9]+)":/g, "$1:"), "productions_: " + JSON.stringify(this.productions_), "performAction: " + String(this.performAction), "table: " + tableCode.moduleCode, "defaultActions: " + JSON.stringify(this.defaultActions).replace(/"([0-9]+)":/g, "$1:"), "parseError: " + String(this.parseError || (this.hasErrorRecovery ? traceParseError : parser.parseError)), "parse: " + parseFn ].join(",\n"); moduleCode += "};"; return { commonCode, moduleCode }; }; lrGeneratorMixin.generateTableCode = function(table) { var moduleCode = JSON.stringify(table); var variables = [createObjectCode]; moduleCode = moduleCode.replace(/"([0-9]+)"(?=:)/g, "$1"); moduleCode = moduleCode.replace(/\{\d+:[^\}]+,\d+:[^\}]+\}/g, function(object) { var value, frequentValue, key, keys = {}, keyCount, maxKeyCount = 0, keyValue, keyValues = [], keyValueMatcher = /(\d+):([^:]+)(?=,\d+:|\})/g; while (keyValue = keyValueMatcher.exec(object)) { key = keyValue[1]; value = keyValue[2]; keyCount = 1; if (!(value in keys)) { keys[value] = [key]; } else { keyCount = keys[value].push(key); } if (keyCount > maxKeyCount) { maxKeyCount = keyCount; frequentValue = value; } } if (maxKeyCount > 1) { for (value in keys) { if (value !== frequentValue) { for (var k = keys[value], i = 0, l = k.length; i < l; i++) { keyValues.push(k[i] + ":" + value); } } } keyValues = keyValues.length ? ",{" + keyValues.join(",") + "}" : ""; object = "o([" + keys[frequentValue].join(",") + "]," + frequentValue + keyValues + ")"; } return object; }); var list; var lists = {}; var listMatcher = /\[[0-9,]+\]/g; while (list = listMatcher.exec(moduleCode)) { lists[list] = (lists[list] || 0) + 1; } moduleCode = moduleCode.replace(listMatcher, function(list2) { var listId = lists[list2]; if (typeof listId === "number") { if (listId === 1) { lists[list2] = listId = list2; } else { lists[list2] = listId = createVariable(); variables.push(listId + "=" + list2); } } return listId; }); return { commonCode: "var " + variables.join(",") + ";", moduleCode }; }; var createObjectCode = "o=function(k,v,o,l){for(o=o||{},l=k.length;l--;o[k[l]]=v);return o}"; function createVariable() { var id = nextVariableId++; var name = "$V"; do { name += variableTokens[id % variableTokensLength]; id = ~~(id / variableTokensLength); } while (id !== 0); return name; } var nextVariableId = 0; var variableTokens = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_$"; var variableTokensLength = variableTokens.length; function printAction(a, gen) { var s = a[0] == 1 ? "shift token (then go to state " + a[1] + ")" : a[0] == 2 ? "reduce by rule: " +[a[1]] : "accept"; return s; } var lrGeneratorDebug = { beforeparseTable: function() { this.trace("Building parse table."); }, afterparseTable: function() { var self2 = this; if (this.conflicts > 0) { this.resolutions.forEach(function(r, i) { if (r[2].bydefault) { self2.warn("Conflict at state: ", r[0], ", token: ", r[1], "\n ", printAction(r[2].r, self2), "\n ", printAction(r[2].s, self2)); } }); this.trace("\n" + this.conflicts + " Conflict(s) found in grammar."); } this.trace("Done."); }, aftercanonicalCollection: function(states) { var trace = this.trace; trace("\nItem sets\n------"); states.forEach(function(state, i) { trace("\nitem set", i, "\n" + state.join("\n"), "\ntransitions -> ", JSON.stringify(state.edges)); }); } }; var parser = typal.beget(); lrGeneratorMixin.createParser = function createParser() { var p = eval(this.generateModuleExpr()); =; var self = this; function bind(method) { return function() { self.lexer = p.lexer; return self[method].apply(self, arguments); }; } p.generate = bind("generate"); p.generateAMDModule = bind("generateAMDModule"); p.generateModule = bind("generateModule"); p.generateCommonJSModule = bind("generateCommonJSModule"); return p; }; parser.trace = generator.trace; parser.warn = generator.warn; parser.error = generator.error; function traceParseError(err, hash) { this.trace(err); } function parseError(str, hash) { if (hash.recoverable) { this.trace(str); } else { throw new Error(str); } } parser.parseError = lrGeneratorMixin.parseError = parseError; parser.parse = function parse(input, script = null) { var self2 = this, stack = [0], tstack2 = [], vstack = [null], table = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF2 = 1; var lexer2 = Object.create(this.lexer); var yy = this.yy; lexer2.setInput(input, yy); if (typeof yy.parseError === "function") { this.parseError = yy.parseError; } else { this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError; } function popStack(n) { stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n; vstack.length = vstack.length - n; } var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p2, len, newState, expected; function handleError() { var error_rule_depth; var errStr = ""; function locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state2) { var stack_probe = stack.length - 1; var depth = 0; for (; ; ) { if (TERROR.toString() in table[state2]) { return depth; } if (state2 === 0 || stack_probe < 2) { return false; } stack_probe -= 2; state2 = stack[stack_probe]; ++depth; } } if (!recovering) { error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state); expected = []; var tsym = lexer2.yytext; var lastToken = tsym; var tok = self2.terminals_[symbol] || symbol; let tidx = lexer2.tokens.indexOf(tsym); let ttok = tsym; while (ttok && ttok._loc == -1) { ttok = lexer2.tokens[--tidx]; } var tloc = ttok ? ttok._loc : -1; var tend = tloc > -1 ? tloc + (ttok._len || 0) : -1; var tpos = tloc != -1 ? "[" + ttok._loc + ":" + ttok._len + "]" : "[0:0]"; if (lexer2.showPosition) { errStr = "Parse error at " + tpos + ":\n" + lexer2.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + tok + "'"; } else { errStr = "Unexpected " + (symbol == EOF2 ? "end of input" : "'" + tok + "'"); } if (script) { let err = script.addDiagnostic("error", { message: errStr, source: "imba-parser", range: script.rangeAt(tloc, tend) }); err.raise(); } self2.parseError(errStr, { lexer: lexer2, text: lexer2.match, token: tok, offset: tloc, length: tend - tloc, start: { offset: tloc }, end: { offset: tend }, line: lexer2.yylineno, expected, recoverable: error_rule_depth !== false }); } else if (preErrorSymbol !== EOF2) { error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state); } if (recovering == 3) { if (symbol === EOF2 || preErrorSymbol === EOF2) { throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error."); } yytext = lexer2.yytext; } if (error_rule_depth === false) { throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available."); } popStack(error_rule_depth); preErrorSymbol = symbol == TERROR ? null : symbol; symbol = TERROR; state = stack[stack.length - 1]; action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR]; recovering = 3; } var __sym = this.symbols_; var __prod = this.productions_; while (true) { state = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == "undefined") { symbol = __sym[lexer2.lex()] || EOF2; } action = table[state] && table[state][symbol]; _handle_error: if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) { handleError(); } switch (action[0]) { case 1: stack.push(symbol); stack.push(action[1]); vstack.push(lexer2.yytext); symbol = null; if (!preErrorSymbol) { yytext = lexer2.yytext; if (recovering > 0) { recovering--; } } else { symbol = preErrorSymbol; preErrorSymbol = null; } break; case 2: len = __prod[action[1]][1]; yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len]; r = this.performAction(yyval, yytext, yy, action[1], vstack); if (typeof r !== "undefined") { return r; } while (len > 0) { stack.pop(); stack.pop(); vstack.pop(); len--; } stack.push(__prod[action[1]][0]); newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]]; stack.push(newState); vstack.push(yyval.$); break; case 3: return true; } } return true; }; parser.init = function parser_init(dict) { this.table = dict.table; this.defaultActions = dict.defaultActions; this.performAction = dict.performAction; this.productions_ = dict.productions_; this.symbols_ = dict.symbols_; this.terminals_ = dict.terminals_; }; var lr0 = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, lrGeneratorMixin, { type: "LR(0)", afterconstructor: function lr0_afterconstructor() { this.buildTable(); } }); var LR0Generator = exports.LR0Generator = lr0.construct(); var lalr = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, lrGeneratorMixin, { type: "LALR(1)", afterconstructor: function(grammar2, options) { if (this.DEBUG) this.mix(lrGeneratorDebug, lalrGeneratorDebug); options = options || {}; this.states = this.canonicalCollection(); this.terms_ = {}; var newg = this.newg = typal.beget(lookaheadMixin, { oldg: this, trace: this.trace, nterms_: {}, DEBUG: false, go_: function(r, B) { r = r.split(":")[0]; B = { return b.slice(b.indexOf(":") + 1); }); return this.oldg.go(r, B); } }); newg.nonterminals = {}; = []; this.inadequateStates = []; this.onDemandLookahead = options.onDemandLookahead || false; this.buildNewGrammar(); newg.computeLookaheads(); this.unionLookaheads(); this.table = this.parseTable(this.states); this.defaultActions = findDefaults(this.table); }, lookAheads: function LALR_lookaheads(state, item) { return !!this.onDemandLookahead && !state.inadequate ? this.terminals : item.follows; }, go: function LALR_go(p2, w) { var q = parseInt(p2, 10); for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { q = this.states.item(q).edges[w[i]] || q; } return q; }, goPath: function LALR_goPath(p2, w) { var q = parseInt(p2, 10), t, path = []; for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { t = w[i] ? q + ":" + w[i] : ""; if (t) this.newg.nterms_[t] = q; path.push(t); q = this.states.item(q).edges[w[i]] || q; this.terms_[t] = w[i]; } return { path, endState: q }; }, buildNewGrammar: function LALR_buildNewGrammar() { var self2 = this, newg = this.newg; this.states.forEach(function(state, i) { state.forEach(function(item) { if (item.dotPosition === 0) { var symbol = i + ":" + item.production.symbol; self2.terms_[symbol] = item.production.symbol; newg.nterms_[symbol] = i; if (!newg.nonterminals[symbol]) newg.nonterminals[symbol] = new Nonterminal(symbol); var pathInfo = self2.goPath(i, item.production.handle); var p2 = new Production(symbol, pathInfo.path,;; newg.nonterminals[symbol].productions.push(p2); var handle = item.production.handle.join(" "); var goes = self2.states.item(pathInfo.endState).goes; if (!goes[handle]) goes[handle] = []; goes[handle].push(symbol); } }); if (state.inadequate) self2.inadequateStates.push(i); }); }, unionLookaheads: function LALR_unionLookaheads() { var self2 = this, newg = this.newg, states = !!this.onDemandLookahead ? this.inadequateStates : this.states; states.forEach(function union_states_forEach(i) { var state = typeof i === "number" ? self2.states.item(i) : i, follows = []; if (state.reductions.length) state.reductions.forEach(function union_reduction_forEach(item) { var follows2 = {}; for (var k = 0; k < item.follows.length; k++) { follows2[item.follows[k]] = true; } state.goes[item.production.handle.join(" ")].forEach(function reduction_goes_forEach(symbol) { newg.nonterminals[symbol].follows.forEach(function goes_follows_forEach(symbol2) { var terminal = self2.terms_[symbol2]; if (!follows2[terminal]) { follows2[terminal] = true; item.follows.push(terminal); } }); }); }); }); } }); var LALRGenerator = exports.LALRGenerator = lalr.construct(); var lalrGeneratorDebug = { trace: function trace() { Jison.print.apply(null, arguments); }, beforebuildNewGrammar: function() { this.trace(this.states.size() + " states."); this.trace("Building lookahead grammar."); }, beforeunionLookaheads: function() { this.trace("Computing lookaheads."); } }; var lrLookaheadGenerator = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, lrGeneratorMixin, { afterconstructor: function lr_aftercontructor() { this.computeLookaheads(); this.buildTable(); } }); var SLRGenerator = exports.SLRGenerator = lrLookaheadGenerator.construct({ type: "SLR(1)", lookAheads: function SLR_lookAhead(state, item) { return this.nonterminals[item.production.symbol].follows; } }); var lr1 = lrLookaheadGenerator.beget({ type: "Canonical LR(1)", lookAheads: function LR_lookAheads(state, item) { return item.follows; }, Item: lrGeneratorMixin.Item.prototype.construct({ afterconstructor: function() { = + "a" + this.dotPosition + "a" + this.follows.sort().join(","); }, eq: function(e) { return ===; } }), closureOperation: function LR_ClosureOperation(itemSet) { var closureSet = new this.ItemSet(); var self2 = this; var set = itemSet, itemQueue, syms = {}; do { itemQueue = new Set(); closureSet.concat(set); set.forEach(function(item) { var symbol = item.markedSymbol; var b, r; if (symbol && self2.nonterminals[symbol]) { r = item.remainingHandle(); b = self2.first(item.remainingHandle()); if (b.length === 0 || item.production.nullable || self2.nullable(r)) { b = b.concat(item.follows); } self2.nonterminals[symbol].productions.forEach(function(production) { var newItem = new self2.Item(production, 0, b); if (!closureSet.contains(newItem) && !itemQueue.contains(newItem)) { itemQueue.push(newItem); } }); } else if (!symbol) { closureSet.reductions.push(item); } }); set = itemQueue; } while (!itemQueue.isEmpty()); return closureSet; } }); var LR1Generator = exports.LR1Generator = lr1.construct(); var ll = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, { type: "LL(1)", afterconstructor: function ll_aftercontructor() { this.computeLookaheads(); this.table = this.parseTable(; }, parseTable: function llParseTable(productions) { var table = {}, self2 = this; productions.forEach(function(production, i) { var row = table[production.symbol] || {}; var tokens2 = production.first; if (self2.nullable(production.handle)) { Set.union(tokens2, self2.nonterminals[production.symbol].follows); } tokens2.forEach(function(token) { if (row[token]) { row[token].push(i); self2.conflicts++; } else { row[token] = [i]; } }); table[production.symbol] = row; }); return table; } }); var LLGenerator = exports.LLGenerator = ll.construct(); Jison.Generator = function Jison_Generator(g, options) { var opt ={}, g.options, options); switch (opt.type) { case "lr0": return new LR0Generator(g, opt); case "slr": return new SLRGenerator(g, opt); case "lr": return new LR1Generator(g, opt); case "ll": return new LLGenerator(g, opt); default: return new LALRGenerator(g, opt); } }; return function Parser2(g, options) { var gen = Jison.Generator(g, options); return gen.createParser(); }; }(); } }); // src/compiler/grammar.imba1 function iter$(a) { return a ? a.toArray ? a.toArray() : a : []; } var jison = require_jison(); var Parser = jison.Parser; var unwrap = /^function\s*\(\)\s*\{\s*return\s*([\s\S]*);\s*\}/; var o = function(patternString, action, options) { var match; patternString = patternString.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " "); var patternCount = patternString.split(" ").length; if (!action) { return [patternString, "$$ = $1;", options]; } ; if (match = unwrap.exec(action)) { action = match[1]; } else { action = "(" + action + "())"; } ; action = action.replace(/\bA(\d+)/g, "$$$1"); action = action.replace(/\bnew /g, "$&yy."); action = action.replace(/\b(?:Block\.wrap|extend)\b/g, "yy.$&"); action = action.replace(/\bAST\b/g, "yy"); return [patternString, "$$ = " + action + ";", options]; }; var grammar = { Root: [ o("", function() { return new Root([]); }), o("Body", function() { return new Root(A1); }), o("Block TERMINATOR") ], Body: [ o("BODYSTART", function() { return new Block([]); }), o("Line", function() { return new Block([]).add(A1); }), o("Body Terminator Line", function() { return A1.break(A2).add(A3); }), o("Body Terminator", function() { return A1.break(A2); }) ], Terminator: [ o("TERMINATOR", function() { return new Terminator(A1); }) ], Type: [ o("TYPE", function() { return new TypeAnnotation(A1); }) ], Block: [ o("EMPTY_BLOCK", function() { return new Block([]); }), o("INDENT OUTDENT", function() { return new Block([]).indented(A1, A2); }), o("INDENT Body OUTDENT", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A3); }), o("INDENT TERMINATOR Body OUTDENT", function() { return A3.prebreak(A2).indented(A1, A4); }) ], Line: [ o("CSSDeclaration"), o("Expression"), o("VarDecl", function() { return A1.option("block", true); }), o("Comment"), o("Statement"), o("Decorators"), o("ImportDeclaration"), o("ExportDeclaration") ], Statement: [ o("Return"), o("Throw"), o("STATEMENT", function() { return new Literal(A1); }), o("BREAK", function() { return new BreakStatement(A1); }), o("BREAK CALL_START Expression CALL_END", function() { return new BreakStatement(A1, A3); }), o("CONTINUE", function() { return new ContinueStatement(A1); }), o("CONTINUE CALL_START Expression CALL_END", function() { return new ContinueStatement(A1, A3); }), o("DEBUGGER", function() { return new DebuggerStatement(A1); }) ], ExtendObject: [ o("EXTEND Identifier ClassBody", function() { return new ExtendDeclaration(A2, null, A3).set({ instanceOnly: true, extension: A1 }); }) ], ExportDeclaration: [ o("EXPORT { ImportSpecifierList }", function() { return new ExportNamedDeclaration(A1, [A3]); }), o("EXPORT { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() { return new ExportNamedDeclaration(A1, [A3], A6); }), o("EXPORT EXPORT_ALL FROM String", function() { return new ExportAllDeclaration(A1, [new ExportAllSpecifier(A2)], A4); }), o("EXPORT EXPORT_ALL AS Identifier FROM String", function() { return new ExportAllDeclaration(A1, [new ExportAllSpecifier(A2, A4)], A6); }), o("EXPORT Exportable", function() { return new Export(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("EXPORT DEFAULT DefaultExportable", function() { return new Export(A3).set({ keyword: A1, "default": A2 }); }) ], Exportable: [ o("MethodDeclaration"), o("Class"), o("CSSDeclaration"), o("TagDeclaration"), o("VarAssign") ], DefaultExportable: [ o("Expression") ], ImportOrExport: [ o("IMPORT"), o("EXPORT") ], ImportDefaultSpecifier: [ o("Identifier", function() { return new ImportDefaultSpecifier(A1); }) ], ImportDeclaration: [ o("IMPORT String", function() { return new ImportDeclaration(A1, null, A2); }), o("IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier FROM String", function() { return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2], A4); }), o("IMPORT TYPEIMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier FROM String", function() { return new ImportTypeDeclaration(A1, [A3], A5); }), o("IMPORT ImportNamespaceSpecifier FROM String", function() { return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2], A4); }), o("IMPORT { } FROM String", function() { return new ImportDeclaration(A1, null, A5); }), o("IMPORT { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() { return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A3], A6); }), o("IMPORT TYPEIMPORT { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() { return new ImportTypeDeclaration(A1, [A4], A7); }), o("IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier IMPORT_COMMA ImportNamespaceSpecifier FROM String", function() { return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2, A4], A6); }), o("IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier IMPORT_COMMA { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() { return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2, A5], A8); }) ], ImportFrom: [ o("STRING") ], ImportNamespaceSpecifier: [ o("IMPORT_ALL AS Identifier", function() { return new ImportNamespaceSpecifier(new Literal(A1), A3); }) ], ImportSpecifierList: [ o("ImportSpecifier", function() { return new ESMSpecifierList([]).add(A1); }), o("ImportSpecifierList , ImportSpecifier", function() { return A1.add(A3); }), o("ImportSpecifierList OptComma TERMINATOR ImportSpecifier", function() { return A1.add(A4); }), o("INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT", function() { return A2; }), o("INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma TERMINATOR OUTDENT", function() { return A2; }), o("ImportSpecifierList OptComma INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT", function() { return A1.concat(A4); }) ], ImportSpecifier: [ o("Identifier", function() { return new ImportSpecifier(A1); }), o("DecoratorIdentifier", function() { return new ImportSpecifier(A1); }), o("MixinIdentifier", function() { return new ImportSpecifier(A1); }), o("Identifier AS Identifier", function() { return new ImportSpecifier(A1, A3); }), o("DEFAULT", function() { return new ImportSpecifier(new Literal(A1)); }), o("DEFAULT AS Identifier", function() { return new ImportSpecifier(new Literal(A1), A3); }) ], Require: [ o("REQUIRE RequireArg", function() { return new Require(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }) ], RequireArg: [ o("Literal"), o("Parenthetical"), o("") ], Expression: [ o("Await"), o("Value"), o("Code"), o("Operation"), o("Assign"), o("If"), o("Ternary"), o("Try"), o("While"), o("For"), o("Switch"), o("ExtendObject"), o("Class"), o("TagDeclaration"), o("Tag") ], ExpressionBlock: [ o("Expression"), o("INDENT ExpressionBlock Outdent", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A3); }) ], Identifier: [ o("IDENTIFIER", function() { return new Identifier(A1); }) ], SymbolIdentifier: [ o("SYMBOLID", function() { return new SymbolIdentifier(A1); }) ], DecoratorIdentifier: [ o("DECORATOR", function() { return new DecoratorIdentifier(A1); }) ], MixinIdentifier: [ o("MIXIN", function() { return new MixinIdentifier(A1); }) ], Key: [ o("KEY", function() { return new Identifier(A1); }) ], Argvar: [ o("ARGVAR", function() { return new Argvar(A1); }) ], Symbol: [ o("SYMBOL", function() { return new Symbol(A1); }) ], Decorator: [ o("DecoratorIdentifier", function() { return new Decorator(A1); }), o("DecoratorIdentifier Arguments", function() { return new Decorator(A1).set({ params: A2 }); }), o("Decorator . Identifier", function() { return A1.add(A3); }) ], Decorators: [ o("Decorator", function() { return [A1]; }), o("Decorators Decorator", function() { return A1.concat(A2); }) ], AlphaNumeric: [ o("NUMBER UNIT", function() { return new NumWithUnit(A1, A2); }), o("NUMBER", function() { return new Num(A1); }), o("STRING", function() { return new Str(A1); }), o("Symbol"), o("InterpolatedString") ], String: [ o("STRING", function() { return new Str(A1); }) ], InterpolatedString: [ o("STRING_START", function() { return new InterpolatedString([], { open: A1 }); }), o("InterpolatedString NEOSTRING", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("InterpolatedString Interpolation", function() { return A2 ? A1.add(A2) : A1; }), o("InterpolatedString STRING_END", function() { return A1.option("close", A2); }) ], Interpolation: [ o("{{ }}", function() { return null; }), o("{{ Expression }}", function() { return A2; }) ], Literal: [ o("AlphaNumeric"), o("JS", function() { return new Literal(A1); }), o("REGEX", function() { return new RegExp(A1); }), o("BOOL", function() { return new Bool(A1); }), o("TRUE", function() { return new True(A1); }), o("FALSE", function() { return new False(A1); }), o("NULL", function() { return new Nil(A1); }), o("UNDEFINED", function() { return new Undefined(A1); }) ], Return: [ o("RETURN Expression", function() { return new Return(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("RETURN Arguments", function() { return new Return(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("RETURN", function() { return new Return().set({ keyword: A1 }); }) ], Selector: [ o("SELECTOR_START", function() { return new Selector([], { type: A1, open: A1 }); }), o("Selector SELECTOR_PART", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("Selector { Expression }", function() { return A1.add(A3); }), o("Selector SELECTOR_END", function() { return A1.option("close", A2); }) ], Tag: [ o("TAG_START TagOptions TAG_END", function() { return A2.set({ open: A1, close: A3 }); }), o("TAG_START TagOptions TAG_END TagBody", function() { return A2.set({ body: A4, open: A1, close: A3 }); }) ], TagTypeName: [ o("Self", function() { return A1; }), o("IDENTIFIER", function() { return new TagTypeIdentifier(A1); }), o("TAG_TYPE", function() { return new TagTypeIdentifier(A1); }), o("TagIdentifier", function() { return new ExpressionNode(A1); }), o("", function() { return new TagTypeIdentifier("div"); }) ], StyleBlockDeclaration: [ o("CSS CSS_SEL StyleBody CSS_END", function() { return new StyleRuleSet(A2, A3).set({ name: A1 }); }) ], CSSDeclaration: [ o("StyleBlockDeclaration", function() { return A1.set({ toplevel: true }); }), o("GLOBAL CSSDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ global: A1 }); }), o("LOCAL CSSDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ local: A1 }); }) ], StyleBlockBody: [ o("INDENT Terminator OUTDENT", function() { return new StyleBody([]).indented(A1, A3); }), o("INDENT StyleBody Outdent", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A3); }) ], OptStyleBody: [ o("", function() { return new StyleBody([]); }), o("StyleBody") ], StyleBody: [ o("StyleNode", function() { return new StyleBody([A1]); }), o("StyleBody StyleDeclaration", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("StyleBody Terminator StyleNode", function() { return A1.add(A3); }), o("INDENT StyleBody Outdent", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A3); }) ], StyleNode: [ o("StyleDeclaration"), o("CSS_SEL StyleBlockBody CSS_END", function() { return new StyleRuleSet(A1, A2); }) ], StyleDeclaration: [ o("StyleProperty : StyleExpressions", function() { return new StyleDeclaration(A1, A3.set({ parens: false })); }), o("StyleProperty = StyleExpressions", function() { return new StyleDeclaration(A1, A3.set({ parens: false })); }) ], StyleProperty: [ o("CSSPROP", function() { return new StyleProperty([A1]); }) ], StyleOperator: [ o("MATH"), o("+"), o("-") ], StyleExpressions: [ o("StyleExpression", function() { return new StyleExpressions([A1]); }), o("StyleExpressions , StyleExpression", function() { return A1.add(A3); }) ], StyleExpression: [ o("StyleTerm", function() { return new StyleExpression().add(A1); }), o("StyleExpression StyleOperator", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("StyleExpression StyleTerm", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("StyleExpression / StyleTerm", function() { return A1.addParam(A3, A2); }) ], StyleValue: [ o("StyleTerm"), o("StyleOperation") ], StyleOperation: [ o("StyleTerm StyleOperator StyleTerm", function() { return new StyleOperation([A1, A2, A3]); }), o("StyleOperation StyleOperator StyleTerm", function() { return A1.add([A2, A3]); }) ], StyleFunctionArgs: [ o("StyleFunctionArg", function() { return new StyleExpressions([A1]); }), o("StyleFunctionArgs , StyleFunctionArg", function() { return A1.add(A3); }) ], StyleFunctionArg: [ o("StyleTerm", function() { return new StyleExpression().add(A1); }), o("StyleFunctionArg StyleOperator", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("StyleFunctionArg StyleTerm", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("StyleFunctionArg / StyleTerm", function() { return A1.addParam(A3, A2); }) ], StyleTermPlaceholder: [ o("{ Expression }", function() { return new StyleInterpolationExpression(A2).setEnds(A1, A3); }), o("StyleTermPlaceholder CSSUNIT", function() { return A1.set({ unit: A2 }); }) ], StyleParens: [ o("( StyleValue )", function() { return new StyleParens(A2).setEnds(A1, A3); }), o("StyleParens CSSUNIT", function() { return A1.set({ unit: A2 }); }) ], StyleTerm: [ o("StyleParens"), o("CSSVAR", function() { return new StyleVar(A1); }), o("DIMENSION", function() { return new StyleDimension(A1); }), o("COLOR", function() { return new StyleColor(A1); }), o("PERCENTAGE", function() { return new StyleDimension(A1); }), o("NUMBER", function() { return new StyleNumber(A1); }), o("String", function() { return A1; }), o("StyleTermPlaceholder", function() { return A1; }), o("CSSURL", function() { return new StyleURL(A1); }), o("CSSFUNCTION ( StyleFunctionArgs )", function() { return new StyleFunction(A1, A3); }), o("CSSIDENTIFIER", function() { return new StyleIdentifier(A1); }), o("COMPARE StyleTerm", function() { return A2.set({ op: A1 }); }) ], TagOptions: [ o("TagTypeName TAG_REF", function() { return new Tag({ type: A1, reference: A2 }); }), o("TagTypeName", function() { return new Tag({ type: A1 }); }), o("TagOptions TAG_ID", function() { return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagId); }), o("TagOptions TAG_SYMBOL_ID", function() { return A1.addPart(new IdentifierExpression(A2.cloneSlice(1)), AST.TagId); }), o("TagOptions SYMBOL_ID", function() { return A1.addPart(new IdentifierExpression(A2.cloneSlice(1)), AST.TagId); }), o("TagOptions TAG_FLAG", function() { return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagFlag); }), o("TagOptions TAG_ATTR", function() { return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagAttr); }), o("TagOptions STYLE_START STYLE_END", function() { return A1; }), o("TagOptions STYLE_START StyleBody STYLE_END", function() { return A1.addPart(new StyleRuleSet(null, A3), AST.TagFlag); }), o("TagOptions T. STYLE_START StyleBody STYLE_END", function() { return A1.addPart(new StyleRuleSet(null, A4), AST.TagFlag); }), o("TagOptions MIXIN", function() { return A1.addPart(new MixinIdentifier(A2), AST.TagFlag); }), o("TagOptions T: TagIdentifier", function() { return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagHandler); }), o("TagOptions T@ TagIdentifier", function() { return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagHandler); }), o("TagOptions T. @ TAG_LITERAL", function() { return A1.addPart(A4.prepend("_"), AST.TagFlag); }), o("TagOptions T. UNARY TAG_LITERAL", function() { return A1.addPart(A4.prepend("!"), AST.TagFlag); }), o("TagOptions T. TagIdentifier", function() { return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagFlag); }), o("TagOptions # TagIdentifier", function() { return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagId); }), o("TagOptions TAG_WS TagIdentifier", function() { return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagSep).addPart(A3, AST.TagAttr); }), o("TagOptions ( )", function() { return A1.addPart(new ArgList([]), AST.TagArgList); }), o("TagOptions ( ArgList )", function() { return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagArgList); }), o("TagOptions CALL_START CALL_END", function() { return A1.addPart(null, AST.TagArgList); }), o("TagOptions CALL_START ArgList CALL_END", function() { return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagArgList); }), o("TagOptions TAG_WS", function() { return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagSep); }), o("TagOptions Comment", function() { return A1; }), o("TagOptions TERMINATOR", function() { return A1; }), o("TagOptions = TagAttrValue", function() { return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagAttrValue, A2); }) ], TagIdentifier: [ o("TAG_LITERAL", function() { return new IdentifierExpression(A1); }), o("{ Expression }", function() { return new IdentifierExpression(A2); }), o("TagIdentifier TAG_LITERAL", function() { return A1.add(A2); }), o("TagIdentifier { Expression }", function() { return A1.add(A3); }) ], TagFlag: [ o("%", function() { return new TagFlag(); }), o("TagFlag TagPartIdentifier", function() { return A1.add(A2); }) ], TagAttrValue: [ o("VALUE_START Expression VALUE_END", function() { return A2; }) ], TagBody: [ o("INDENT OUTDENT", function() { return new TagBody([]).indented(A1, A2); }), o("INDENT TagBodyList OUTDENT", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A3); }), o("CALL_START TagBodyList CALL_END", function() { return A2; }), o("Tag", function() { return new TagBody([A1]); }) ], TagBodyList: [ o("TagBodyItem", function() { return new TagBody([]).add(A1); }), o("TagBodyList , TagBodyItem", function() { return A1.add(A3); }), o("TagBodyList OptComma Terminator TagBodyItem", function() { return A1.add(A3).add(A4); }), o("TagBodyList OptComma TERMINATOR SEPARATOR Terminator TagBodyItem", function() { return A1.add(A5).add(A6); }), o("INDENT TagBodyList OptComma Outdent", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A4); }), o("TagBodyList OptComma INDENT TagBodyList OptComma Outdent", function() { return A1.concat(A4); }) ], TagBodyItem: [ o("Expression"), o("... Expression", function() { return new Splat(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("Splat"), o("LOGIC"), o("Comment"), o("StyleBlockDeclaration", function() { return A1.set({ inTagTree: true }); }) ], TagDeclaration: [ o("TagDeclarationBlock", function() { return A1; }), o("EXTEND TagDeclarationBlock", function() { return A2.set({ extension: true }); }), o("LOCAL TagDeclarationBlock", function() { return A2.set({ local: true }); }), o("GLOBAL TagDeclarationBlock", function() { return A2.set({ global: A1 }); }) ], TagDeclarationBlock: [ o("TAG TagType", function() { return new TagDeclaration(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("TAG TagType ClassBody", function() { return new TagDeclaration(A2, null, A3).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("TAG TagType COMPARE TagType", function() { return new TagDeclaration(A2, A4).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("TAG TagType COMPARE TagType ClassBody", function() { return new TagDeclaration(A2, A4, A5).set({ keyword: A1 }); }) ], TagType: [ o("TAG_TYPE", function() { return new TagTypeIdentifier(A1); }) ], TagId: [ o("# IDENTIFIER", function() { return new TagIdRef(A2); }) ], Assign: [ o("VarAssign"), o("Assignable = Expression", function() { return new Assign(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Assignable = INDENT Expression Outdent", function() { return new Assign(A2, A1, A4.indented(A3, A5)); }) ], AssignObj: [ o("... Expression", function() { return new ObjRestAttr(A2).set({ spread: A1 }); }), o("MethodDeclaration", function() { return A1.set({ inObject: true }); }), o("ObjAssignable", function() { return new ObjAttr(A1); }), o("ObjAssignable : Expression", function() { return new ObjAttr(A1, A3); }), o("ObjAssignable : INDENT Expression Outdent", function() { return new ObjAttr(A1, A4.indented(A3, A5)); }), o("SimpleObjAssignable = Expression", function() { return new ObjAttr(A1, null, A3); }), o("SimpleObjAssignable = INDENT Expression Outdent", function() { return new ObjAttr(A1, null, A4.indented(A3, A5)); }), o("Comment") ], SimpleObjAssignable: [ o("Identifier"), o("Identifier Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }), o("SymbolIdentifier"), o("Key") ], ObjAssignable: [ o("SimpleObjAssignable"), o("[ Expression ]", function() { return new IdentifierExpression(A2); }), o("( Expression )", function() { return new IdentifierExpression(A2); }), o("AlphaNumeric") ], Comment: [ o("HERECOMMENT", function() { return new Comment(A1, true); }), o("COMMENT", function() { return new Comment(A1, false); }) ], Code: [ o("Method"), o("Do"), o("Begin") ], Begin: [ o("BEGIN Block", function() { return new Begin(A2); }) ], Do: [ o("DO Block", function() { return new Lambda([], A2, null, null, { bound: true, keyword: A1 }); }), o("DO BLOCK_PARAM_START ParamList BLOCK_PARAM_END Block", function() { return new Lambda(A3, A5, null, null, { bound: true, keyword: A1 }); }) ], Method: [ o("MethodDeclaration", function() { return A1; }), o("GLOBAL MethodDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ global: A1 }); }), o("STATIC MethodDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ static: A1 }); }) ], MethodDeclaration: [ o("DEF MethodScope MethodScopeType MethodIdentifier MethodParams MethodBody", function() { return new MethodDeclaration(A5, A6, A4, A2, A3).set({ def: A1, keyword: A1, datatype: A4.option("datatype") }); }), o("DEF MethodIdentifier MethodParams MethodBody", function() { return new MethodDeclaration(A3, A4, A2, null).set({ def: A1, keyword: A1, datatype: A2.option("datatype") }); }) ], MethodParams: [ o("ParamList", function() { return A1; }), o("CALL_START ParamList CALL_END", function() { return A2; }) ], MethodScopeType: [ o(".", function() { return { static: true }; }), o("#", function() { return {}; }) ], MethodIdentifier: [ o("Identifier"), o("DecoratorIdentifier"), o("SymbolIdentifier", function() { return A1; }), o("[ Expression ]", function() { return new InterpolatedIdentifier(A2); }), o("MethodIdentifier Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }) ], MethodBody: [ o("DEF_BODY Block", function() { return A2; }), o("DEF_BODY DO Block", function() { return A3; }), o("DEF_EMPTY", function() { return new Block([]).set({ end: A1._loc }); }) ], MethodScope: [ o("MethodIdentifier"), o("This"), o("Self") ], OptComma: [ o(""), o(",") ], OptSemicolon: [ o(""), o(";") ], ParamList: [ o("", function() { return []; }), o("Param", function() { return [A1]; }), o("ParamList , Param", function() { return A1.concat(A3); }) ], ParamExpression: [ o("Value"), o("Code"), o("Operation"), o("Assign"), o("Ternary"), o("Tag") ], ParamValue: [ o("Expression") ], Param: [ o("Object", function() { return new Param(A1); }), o("Array", function() { return new Param(A1); }), o("ParamVar"), o("... ParamVar", function() { return A2.set({ splat: A1 }); }), o("BLOCK_ARG ParamVar", function() { return A2.set({ blk: A1 }); }), o("ParamVar = ParamValue", function() { return new Param(A1.value(), A3).set({ datatype: A1.option("datatype") }); }), o("Object = ParamValue", function() { return new Param(A1, A3); }), o("Array = ParamValue", function() { return new Param(A1, A3); }), o("...", function() { return new RestParam(A1); }) ], ParamVar: [ o("Identifier", function() { return new Param(A1); }), o("Identifier Type", function() { return new Param(A1).set({ datatype: A2 }); }) ], Splat: [ o("SPLAT Expression", function() { return AST.SPLAT(A2); }) ], VarKeyword: [ o("VAR"), o("LET"), o("CONST") ], VarAssignable: [ o("Identifier"), o("Identifier Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }), o("Array"), o("Object") ], VarDecl: [ o("VarKeyword VarAssignable", function() { return new VarReference(A2, A1); }) ], VarAssign: [ o("VarDecl = Expression", function() { return new Assign(A2, A1, A3); }), o("VarDecl = INDENT Expression Outdent", function() { return new Assign(A2, A1, A4.indented(A3, A5)); }) ], SimpleAssignable: [ o("ENV_FLAG", function() { return new EnvFlag(A1); }), o("Argvar"), o("Self"), o("Identifier", function() { return new VarOrAccess(A1); }), o("SymbolIdentifier", function() { return new Access(".", null, A1); }), o("Access"), o("SimpleAssignable Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }) ], Access: [ o("Value SoakableOp Identifier", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Value SoakableOp SymbolIdentifier", function() { return new IndexAccess(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Value INDEX_START IndexValue INDEX_END", function() { return new IndexAccess(".", A1, A3); }), o("Value ?. [ IndexValue ]", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A4); }) ], SoakableOp: [ ".", "?." ], Super: [ o("SUPER", function() { return new Super(A1); }) ], Assignable: [ o("SimpleAssignable"), o("Array"), o("Object") ], TaggedTemplate: [ o("SimpleAssignable InterpolatedString", function() { return new TaggedTemplate(A1, A2); }), o("SimpleAssignable String", function() { return new TaggedTemplate(A1, A2); }) ], Await: [ o("AWAIT Expression", function() { return new Await(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }) ], Value: [ o("Assignable"), o("Super"), o("Literal"), o("Parenthetical"), o("Range"), o("ARGUMENTS", function() { return AST.ARGUMENTS; }), o("This"), o("TagId"), o("Selector"), o("Invocation"), o("TaggedTemplate"), o("Require"), o("Value BANG", function() { return new BangCall(A1).set({ keyword: A2 }); }) ], IndexValue: [ o("Expression", function() { return new Index(A1); }) ], Object: [ o("{ AssignList OptComma }", function() { return new Obj(A2, A1.generated).setEnds(A1, A4); }) ], AssignList: [ o("", function() { return new AssignList([]); }), o("AssignObj", function() { return new AssignList([A1]); }), o("AssignList , AssignObj", function() { return A1.add(A3); }), o("AssignList OptComma Terminator AssignObj", function() { return A1.add(A3).add(A4); }), o("AssignList OptComma INDENT AssignList OptComma Outdent", function() { return A1.concat(A4.indented(A3, A6)); }) ], ExpressionList: [ o("Expression", function() { return new ExpressionList([]).add(A1); }), o("ExpressionList , Expression", function() { return A1.add(A3); }), o("ExpressionList OptComma Terminator Expression", function() { return A1.add(A3).add(A4); }), o("INDENT ExpressionList OptComma Outdent", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A4); }), o("ExpressionList OptComma INDENT ExpressionList OptComma Outdent", function() { return A1.concat(A4); }) ], Class: [ o("ClassStart", function() { return A1; }), o("EXTEND ClassStart", function() { return A2.set({ extension: A1 }); }), o("LOCAL ClassStart", function() { return A2.set({ local: A1 }); }), o("GLOBAL ClassStart", function() { return A2.set({ global: A1 }); }) ], ClassStart: [ o("CLASS ClassName ClassBody", function() { return new ClassDeclaration(A2, null, A3).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("CLASS ClassName", function() { return new ClassDeclaration(A2, null, []).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("CLASS ClassBody", function() { return new ClassDeclaration(null, null, A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("CLASS ClassName COMPARE Expression", function() { return new ClassDeclaration(A2, A4, []).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("CLASS ClassName COMPARE Expression ClassBody", function() { return new ClassDeclaration(A2, A4, A5).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("CLASS COMPARE Expression ClassBody", function() { return new ClassDeclaration(null, A3, A4).set({ keyword: A1 }); }) ], ClassName: [ o("DecoratorIdentifier"), o("Identifier", function() { return new VarOrAccess(A1); }), o("SymbolIdentifier", function() { return new Access(".", null, A1); }), o("ClassName . Identifier", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("ClassName . SymbolIdentifier", function() { return new IndexAccess(A2, A1, A3); }) ], ClassBody: [ o("INDENT OUTDENT", function() { return new ClassBody([]).indented(A1, A2); }), o("INDENT ClassBodyBlock OUTDENT", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A3); }), o("INDENT TERMINATOR ClassBodyBlock OUTDENT", function() { return A3.prebreak(A2).indented(A1, A4); }) ], ClassBodyBlock: [ o("ClassBodyLine", function() { return new ClassBody([]).add(A1); }), o("ClassBodyBlock Terminator ClassBodyLine", function() { return A1.break(A2).add(A3); }), o("ClassBodyBlock Terminator", function() { return A1.break(A2); }) ], ClassBodyLine: [ o("Decorators"), o("ClassDeclLine"), o("Decorators ClassDeclLine", function() { return A1.concat([A2]); }), o("CSSDeclaration"), o("Comment"), o("Tag") ], ClassDeclLine: [ o("STATIC ClassFieldDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ static: A1 }); }), o("DECLARE STATIC ClassFieldDeclaration", function() { return A3.set({ static: A2, declareOnly: A1 }); }), o("DECLARE ClassFieldDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ declareOnly: A1 }); }), o("STATIC MethodDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ static: A1 }); }), o("DECLARE MethodDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ declareOnly: A1 }); }), o("DECLARE STATIC MethodDeclaration", function() { return A2.set({ static: A2, declareOnly: A1 }); }), o("MethodDeclaration"), o("ClassFieldDeclaration") ], ClassFieldDeclaration: [ o("ClassField ClassFieldOp Expression", function() { return A1.set({ value: A3, op: A2 }); }), o("ClassField", function() { return A1; }), o("ClassFieldDeclaration AS AccessorBody", function() { return A1.set({ wrapper: A3 }); }), o("ClassFieldDeclaration FieldDescriptorFull", function() { return A1.set({ wrapper: A2 }); }) ], FieldDescriptor: [ o("DECORATOR", function() { return new Descriptor(A1); }), o("@ CALL_START Expression CALL_END", function() { return new Descriptor(A3); }), o("FieldDescriptor Arguments", function() { return A1.add(A2, "!"); }), o("FieldDescriptor INDEX_START ArgList INDEX_END", function() { return A1.add(A3, "="); }), o("FieldDescriptor . Identifier", function() { return A1.add(A3); }) ], FieldDescriptorFull: [ o("FieldDescriptor"), o("FieldDescriptor = Expression", function() { return A1.set({ "default": A3 }); }), o("FieldDescriptor Do", function() { return A1.set({ callback: A2 }); }) ], AccessorBody: [ "FieldDescriptorFull", "Value" ], ClassFieldDecoration: [ o("ClassFieldDeclaration @ WatchBody", function() { return A1.set({ watch: A3 }); }) ], WatchBody: [ o("Block"), o("Expression") ], ClassFieldOp: [ "=", "COMPOUND_ASSIGN" ], ClassField: [ o("ClassFieldIdentifier", function() { return new ClassField(A1); }), o("PROP ClassFieldIdentifier", function() { return new ClassProperty(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("ATTR ClassFieldIdentifier", function() { return new ClassAttribute(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("ClassField Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }), o("ClassField CALL_START CALL_END", function() { return A1.set({ controller: A2 }); }) ], ClassFieldIdentifier: [ o("Identifier"), o("SymbolIdentifier") ], ClassFieldBody: [ o("WATCH Expression Terminator", function() { return [A1, A2]; }) ], Invocation: [ o("Value OptFuncExist Arguments", function() { return new Call(A1, A3, A2); }), o("Value Do", function() { return A1.addBlock(A2); }) ], OptFuncExist: [ o("", function() { return false; }), o("FUNC_EXIST", function() { return true; }) ], Arguments: [ o("CALL_START CALL_END", function() { return new ArgList([]).setEnds(A1, A2); }), o("CALL_START ArgList OptComma CALL_END", function() { return A2.setEnds(A1, A4); }) ], This: [ o("THIS", function() { return new This(A1); }) ], Self: [ o("SELF", function() { return new Self(A1); }) ], Array: [ o("[ ]", function() { return new Arr(new ArgList([])).setEnds(A1, A2); }), o("[ ArgList OptComma ]", function() { return new Arr(A2).setEnds(A1, A2); }), o("Array Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }) ], RangeDots: [ o("..", function() { return ".."; }), o("...", function() { return "..."; }) ], Range: [ o("[ Expression RangeDots Expression ]", function() { return AST.OP(A3, A2, A4); }) ], ArgList: [ o("Arg", function() { return new ArgList([A1]); }), o("ArgList , Arg", function() { return A1.add(A3); }), o("ArgList OptComma Terminator Arg", function() { return A1.add(A3).add(A4); }), o("ArgList OptComma TERMINATOR SEPARATOR Terminator Arg", function() { return A1.add(A5).add(A6); }), o("INDENT ArgList OptComma Outdent", function() { return A2.indented(A1, A4); }), o("ArgList OptComma INDENT ArgList OptComma Outdent", function() { return A1.concat(A4); }) ], Outdent: [ o("Terminator OUTDENT", function() { return A1; }), o("OUTDENT", function() { return A1; }) ], Arg: [ o("Expression"), o("... Expression", function() { return new Splat(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }); }), o("Splat"), o("DO_PLACEHOLDER", function() { return new DoPlaceholder(A1); }), o("Comment") ], SimpleArgs: [ o("Expression"), o("SimpleArgs , Expression", function() { return [].concat(A1, A3); }) ], Try: [ o("TRY Block", function() { return new Try(A2); }), o("TRY Block Catch", function() { return new Try(A2, A3); }), o("TRY Block Finally", function() { return new Try(A2, null, A3); }), o("TRY Block Catch Finally", function() { return new Try(A2, A3, A4); }) ], Finally: [ o("FINALLY Block", function() { return new Finally(A2); }) ], Catch: [ o("CATCH CATCH_VAR Block", function() { return new Catch(A3, A2); }), o("CATCH Block", function() { return new Catch(A2, null); }) ], Throw: [ o("THROW Expression", function() { return new Throw(A2); }) ], Parenthetical: [ o("( ExpressionList )", function() { return new Parens(A2, A1, A3); }), o("( ExpressionList ) UNIT", function() { return new ExpressionWithUnit(new Parens(A2, A1, A3), A4); }), o("Parenthetical Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }) ], WhileSource: [ o("WHILE Expression", function() { return new While(A2, { keyword: A1 }); }), o("WHILE Expression WHEN Expression", function() { return new While(A2, { guard: A4, keyword: A1 }); }), o("UNTIL Expression", function() { return new While(A2, { invert: true, keyword: A1 }); }), o("UNTIL Expression WHEN Expression", function() { return new While(A2, { invert: true, guard: A4, keyword: A1 }); }) ], While: [ o("WhileSource Block", function() { return A1.addBody(A2); }), o("Statement WhileSource", function() { return A2.addBody(Block.wrap([A1])); }), o("Expression WhileSource", function() { return A2.addBody(Block.wrap([A1])); }), o("Loop", function() { return A1; }) ], Loop: [ o("LOOP Block", function() { return new While(new Literal("true", { keyword: A1 })).addBody(A2); }), o("LOOP Expression", function() { return new While(new Literal("true", { keyword: A1 })).addBody(Block.wrap([A2])); }) ], For: [ o("Statement ForBody", function() { return A2.addBody([A1]); }), o("Expression ForBody", function() { return A2.addBody([A1]); }), o("ForBody Block", function() { return A1.addBody(A2); }), o("ForBody Block ELSE Block", function() { return A1.addBody(A2).addElse(A4); }) ], ForKeyword: [ o("FOR"), o("POST_FOR") ], ForBody: [ o("ForKeyword Range", function() { return { source: new ValueNode(A2) }; }), o("ForStart ForSource", function() { return A2.configure({ own: A1.own, await: A1.await, name: A1[0], index: A1[1], keyword: A1.keyword, params: A1 }); }) ], ForStart: [ o("ForKeyword ForVariables", function() { return (A2.keyword = A1) && A2; }), o("ForKeyword AWAIT ForVariables", function() { return (A3.await = A2) && (A3.keyword = A1) && A3; }), o("ForKeyword OWN ForVariables", function() { return (A3.own = true) && (A3.keyword = A1) && A3; }) ], ForValue: [ o("Identifier"), o("Identifier Type", function() { return A1.set({ datatype: A2 }); }), o("Array"), o("Object") ], ForVariables: [ o("ForValue", function() { return [A1]; }), o("ForValue , ForValue", function() { return [A1, A3]; }), o("ForValue , ForValue , ForValue", function() { return [A1, A3, A5]; }) ], ForSource: [ o("FORIN Expression", function() { return new ForIn({ source: A2 }); }), o("FOROF Expression", function() { return new ForOf({ source: A2, object: true }); }), o("FORIN Expression WHEN Expression", function() { return new ForIn({ source: A2, guard: A4 }); }), o("FOROF Expression WHEN Expression", function() { return new ForOf({ source: A2, guard: A4, object: true }); }), o("FORIN Expression BY Expression", function() { return new ForIn({ source: A2, step: A4 }); }), o("FORIN Expression WHEN Expression BY Expression", function() { return new ForIn({ source: A2, guard: A4, step: A6 }); }), o("FORIN Expression BY Expression WHEN Expression", function() { return new ForIn({ source: A2, step: A4, guard: A6 }); }) ], Switch: [ o("SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens OUTDENT", function() { return new Switch(A2, A4); }), o("SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens ELSE Block Outdent", function() { return new Switch(A2, A4, A6); }), o("SWITCH INDENT Whens OUTDENT", function() { return new Switch(null, A3); }), o("SWITCH INDENT Whens ELSE Block OUTDENT", function() { return new Switch(null, A3, A5); }) ], Whens: [ o("When"), o("Whens When", function() { return A1.concat(A2); }) ], When: [ o("LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block", function() { return [new SwitchCase(A2, A3)]; }), o("LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block TERMINATOR", function() { return [new SwitchCase(A2, A3)]; }) ], IfBlock: [ o("IF Expression Block", function() { return new If(A2, A3, { type: A1 }); }), o("IfBlock ELSE IF Expression Block", function() { return A1.addElse(new If(A4, A5, { type: A3 })); }), o("IfBlock ELIF Expression Block", function() { return A1.addElse(new If(A3, A4, { type: A2 })); }), o("IfBlock ELSE Block", function() { return A1.addElse(A3.set({ keyword: A2 })); }) ], If: [ o("IfBlock"), o("Statement POST_IF Expression", function() { return new If(A3, new Block([A1]), { type: A2, statement: true }); }), o("Expression POST_IF Expression", function() { return new If(A3, new Block([A1]), { type: A2 }); }) ], Ternary: [ o("Expression ? Expression : Expression", function() { return AST.If.ternary(A1, A3, A5); }) ], Operation: [ o("NEW Expression", function() { return AST.Instantiation.for(A2, A1); }), o("UNARY Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A1, A2); }), o("SQRT Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A1, A2); }), o("--- Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A1, A2); }), o("+++ Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A1, A2); }), o("- Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A1, A2); }, { prec: "UNARY" }), o("+ Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A1, A2); }, { prec: "UNARY" }), o("-- SimpleAssignable", function() { return new UnaryOp(A1, null, A2); }), o("++ SimpleAssignable", function() { return new UnaryOp(A1, null, A2); }), o("SimpleAssignable --", function() { return new UnaryOp(A2, A1, null, true); }), o("SimpleAssignable ++", function() { return new UnaryOp(A2, A1, null, true); }), o("Expression + Expression", function() { return new Op(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Expression - Expression", function() { return new Op(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Expression EXP Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Expression MATH Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Expression SHIFT Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Expression COMPARE Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Expression LOGIC Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("Expression NOT RELATION Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A3, A1, A4).invert(A2); }), o("Expression RELATION Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN Expression", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3); }), o("SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN INDENT Expression Outdent", function() { return AST.OP(A2, A1, A4.indented(A3, A5)); }) ] }; var operators = [ ["left", ".", "?.", "::", ".:"], ["left", "CALL_START", "CALL_END"], ["nonassoc", "++", "--"], ["right", "UNARY", "NEW", "THROW", "SQRT", "NOT"], ["right", "AWAIT"], ["right", "EXP"], ["left", "MATH"], ["left", "+", "-", "+++", "---"], ["left", "SHIFT"], ["left", "RELATION"], ["left", "COMPARE"], ["left", "LOGIC"], ["right", "?"], ["nonassoc", "INDENT", "OUTDENT"], ["right", "=", ":", "COMPOUND_ASSIGN", "RETURN", "THROW", "EXTENDS"], ["right", "FORIN", "FOROF", "BY", "WHEN"], ["right", "TAG_END"], ["right", "IF", "ELSE", "FOR", "DO", "WHILE", "UNTIL", "LOOP", "SUPER", "CLASS", "MODULE", "TAG", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", "TAG_END", "IMPORT", "EXPORT"], ["right", "POST_IF", "POST_FOR"], ["right", "NEW_TAG"], ["right", "TAG_ATTR_SET"], ["right", "SPLAT"], ["left", "SELECTOR_START"], ["left", "CSS"] ]; var tokens = []; for (let name in grammar) { let alternatives; alternatives = grammar[name]; let res = []; for (let i = 0, items = iter$(alternatives), len = items.length, alt; i < len; i++) { alt = items[i]; for (let j = 0, ary = iter$(alt[0].split(" ")), len2 = ary.length, token; j < len2; j++) { token = ary[j]; if (!grammar[token]) { tokens.push(token); } ; } ; if (name === "Root") { alt[1] = "return " + alt[1]; } ; res.push(alt); } ; grammar[name] = res; } exports.parser = new Parser( { tokens: tokens.join(" "), bnf: grammar, operators: operators.reverse(), startSymbol: "Root" } );