function compare(a, b) { if (a === b) { return 0; } var x = a.length; var y = b.length; for (var i = 0, len = Math.min(x, y); i < len; ++i) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { x = a[i]; y = b[i]; break; } } if (x < y) { return -1; } if (y < x) { return 1; } return 0; } var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) { var keys = []; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) keys.push(key); } return keys; }; // based on node assert, original notice: // // // THIS IS NOT TESTED NOR LIKELY TO WORK OUTSIDE V8! // // Originally from narwhal.js ( // Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas Robinson <> // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import {isBuffer} from 'buffer'; import {isPrimitive, inherits, isError, isFunction, isRegExp, isDate, inspect as utilInspect} from 'util'; var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice; var _functionsHaveNames; function functionsHaveNames() { if (typeof _functionsHaveNames !== 'undefined') { return _functionsHaveNames; } return _functionsHaveNames = (function () { return function foo() {}.name === 'foo'; }()); } function pToString (obj) { return; } function isView(arrbuf) { if (isBuffer(arrbuf)) { return false; } if (typeof global.ArrayBuffer !== 'function') { return false; } if (typeof ArrayBuffer.isView === 'function') { return ArrayBuffer.isView(arrbuf); } if (!arrbuf) { return false; } if (arrbuf instanceof DataView) { return true; } if (arrbuf.buffer && arrbuf.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return true; } return false; } // 1. The assert module provides functions that throw // AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The // assert module must conform to the following interface. function assert(value, message) { if (!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', ok); } export default assert; // 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert. // new assert.AssertionError({ message: message, // actual: actual, // expected: expected }) var regex = /\s*function\s+([^\(\s]*)\s*/; // based on function getName(func) { if (!isFunction(func)) { return; } if (functionsHaveNames()) { return; } var str = func.toString(); var match = str.match(regex); return match && match[1]; } assert.AssertionError = AssertionError; export function AssertionError(options) { = 'AssertionError'; this.actual = options.actual; this.expected = options.expected; this.operator = options.operator; if (options.message) { this.message = options.message; this.generatedMessage = false; } else { this.message = getMessage(this); this.generatedMessage = true; } var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail; if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction); } else { // non v8 browsers so we can have a stacktrace var err = new Error(); if (err.stack) { var out = err.stack; // try to strip useless frames var fn_name = getName(stackStartFunction); var idx = out.indexOf('\n' + fn_name); if (idx >= 0) { // once we have located the function frame // we need to strip out everything before it (and its line) var next_line = out.indexOf('\n', idx + 1); out = out.substring(next_line + 1); } this.stack = out; } } } // assert.AssertionError instanceof Error inherits(AssertionError, Error); function truncate(s, n) { if (typeof s === 'string') { return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n); } else { return s; } } function inspect(something) { if (functionsHaveNames() || !isFunction(something)) { return utilInspect(something); } var rawname = getName(something); var name = rawname ? ': ' + rawname : ''; return '[Function' + name + ']'; } function getMessage(self) { return truncate(inspect(self.actual), 128) + ' ' + self.operator + ' ' + truncate(inspect(self.expected), 128); } // At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and // understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass // other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be // ignored. // 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError // when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that // may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide // both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for // display purposes. export function fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) { throw new AssertionError({ message: message, actual: actual, expected: expected, operator: operator, stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction }); } // EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere. = fail; // 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined // by !!guard. // assert.ok(guard, message_opt); // This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard, // message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use // assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);. export function ok(value, message) { if (!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', ok); } assert.ok = ok; export {ok as assert}; // 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with // ==. // assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.equal = equal; export function equal(actual, expected, message) { if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', equal); } // 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal // with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.notEqual = notEqual; export function notEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (actual == expected) { fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', notEqual); } } // 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation. // assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.deepEqual = deepEqual; export function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected, false)) { fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', deepEqual); } } assert.deepStrictEqual = deepStrictEqual; export function deepStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected, true)) { fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepStrictEqual', deepStrictEqual); } } function _deepEqual(actual, expected, strict, memos) { // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===. if (actual === expected) { return true; } else if (isBuffer(actual) && isBuffer(expected)) { return compare(actual, expected) === 0; // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time. } else if (isDate(actual) && isDate(expected)) { return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime(); // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`). } else if (isRegExp(actual) && isRegExp(expected)) { return actual.source === expected.source && === && actual.multiline === expected.multiline && actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex && actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase; // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', // equivalence is determined by ==. } else if ((actual === null || typeof actual !== 'object') && (expected === null || typeof expected !== 'object')) { return strict ? actual === expected : actual == expected; // If both values are instances of typed arrays, wrap their underlying // ArrayBuffers in a Buffer each to increase performance // This optimization requires the arrays to have the same type as checked by // Object.prototype.toString (aka pToString). Never perform binary // comparisons for Float*Arrays, though, since e.g. +0 === -0 but their // bit patterns are not identical. } else if (isView(actual) && isView(expected) && pToString(actual) === pToString(expected) && !(actual instanceof Float32Array || actual instanceof Float64Array)) { return compare(new Uint8Array(actual.buffer), new Uint8Array(expected.buffer)) === 0; // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified // with, the same set of keys // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. } else if (isBuffer(actual) !== isBuffer(expected)) { return false; } else { memos = memos || {actual: [], expected: []}; var actualIndex = memos.actual.indexOf(actual); if (actualIndex !== -1) { if (actualIndex === memos.expected.indexOf(expected)) { return true; } } memos.actual.push(actual); memos.expected.push(expected); return objEquiv(actual, expected, strict, memos); } } function isArguments(object) { return == '[object Arguments]'; } function objEquiv(a, b, strict, actualVisitedObjects) { if (a === null || a === undefined || b === null || b === undefined) return false; // if one is a primitive, the other must be same if (isPrimitive(a) || isPrimitive(b)) return a === b; if (strict && Object.getPrototypeOf(a) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(b)) return false; var aIsArgs = isArguments(a); var bIsArgs = isArguments(b); if ((aIsArgs && !bIsArgs) || (!aIsArgs && bIsArgs)) return false; if (aIsArgs) { a =; b =; return _deepEqual(a, b, strict); } var ka = objectKeys(a); var kb = objectKeys(b); var key, i; // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates // hasOwnProperty) if (ka.length !== kb.length) return false; //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), ka.sort(); kb.sort(); //~~~cheap key test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ka[i] !== kb[i]) return false; } //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and //~~~possibly expensive deep test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { key = ka[i]; if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key], strict, actualVisitedObjects)) return false; } return true; } // 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality. // assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.notDeepEqual = notDeepEqual; export function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (_deepEqual(actual, expected, false)) { fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', notDeepEqual); } } assert.notDeepStrictEqual = notDeepStrictEqual; export function notDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (_deepEqual(actual, expected, true)) { fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepStrictEqual', notDeepStrictEqual); } } // 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===. // assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.strictEqual = strictEqual; export function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (actual !== expected) { fail(actual, expected, message, '===', strictEqual); } } // 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as // determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.notStrictEqual = notStrictEqual; export function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (actual === expected) { fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', notStrictEqual); } } function expectedException(actual, expected) { if (!actual || !expected) { return false; } if ( == '[object RegExp]') { return expected.test(actual); } try { if (actual instanceof expected) { return true; } } catch (e) { // Ignore. The instanceof check doesn't work for arrow functions. } if (Error.isPrototypeOf(expected)) { return false; } return{}, actual) === true; } function _tryBlock(block) { var error; try { block(); } catch (e) { error = e; } return error; } function _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) { var actual; if (typeof block !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('"block" argument must be a function'); } if (typeof expected === 'string') { message = expected; expected = null; } actual = _tryBlock(block); message = (expected && ? ' (' + + ').' : '.') + (message ? ' ' + message : '.'); if (shouldThrow && !actual) { fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message); } var userProvidedMessage = typeof message === 'string'; var isUnwantedException = !shouldThrow && isError(actual); var isUnexpectedException = !shouldThrow && actual && !expected; if ((isUnwantedException && userProvidedMessage && expectedException(actual, expected)) || isUnexpectedException) { fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message); } if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected && !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) { throw actual; } } // 11. Expected to throw an error: // assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt); assert.throws = throws; export function throws(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) { _throws(true, block, error, message); } // EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module. assert.doesNotThrow = doesNotThrow; export function doesNotThrow(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) { _throws(false, block, error, message); } assert.ifError = ifError; export function ifError(err) { if (err) throw err; }