# ci-info Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment. Please [open an issue](https://github.com/watson/ci-info/issues/new?template=ci-server-not-detected.md) if your CI server isn't properly detected :) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/ci-info.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ci-info) [![Tests](https://github.com/watson/ci-info/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/watson/ci-info/actions) [![js-standard-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/feross/standard) ## Installation ```bash npm install ci-info --save ``` ## Usage ```js var ci = require('ci-info') if (ci.isCI) { console.log('The name of the CI server is:', ci.name) } else { console.log('This program is not running on a CI server') } ``` ## Supported CI tools Officially supported CI servers: | Name | Constant | isPR | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | ---- | | [AWS CodeBuild](https://aws.amazon.com/codebuild/) | `ci.CODEBUILD` | 🚫 | | [AppVeyor](http://www.appveyor.com) | `ci.APPVEYOR` | ✅ | | [Azure Pipelines](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/devops/pipelines/) | `ci.AZURE_PIPELINES` | ✅ | | [Appcircle](https://appcircle.io/) | `ci.APPCIRCLE` | 🚫 | | [Bamboo](https://www.atlassian.com/software/bamboo) by Atlassian | `ci.BAMBOO` | 🚫 | | [Bitbucket Pipelines](https://bitbucket.org/product/features/pipelines) | `ci.BITBUCKET` | ✅ | | [Bitrise](https://www.bitrise.io/) | `ci.BITRISE` | ✅ | | [Buddy](https://buddy.works/) | `ci.BUDDY` | ✅ | | [Buildkite](https://buildkite.com) | `ci.BUILDKITE` | ✅ | | [CircleCI](http://circleci.com) | `ci.CIRCLE` | ✅ | | [Cirrus CI](https://cirrus-ci.org) | `ci.CIRRUS` | ✅ | | [Codefresh](https://codefresh.io/) | `ci.CODEFRESH` | ✅ | | [Codeship](https://codeship.com) | `ci.CODESHIP` | 🚫 | | [Drone](https://drone.io) | `ci.DRONE` | ✅ | | [dsari](https://github.com/rfinnie/dsari) | `ci.DSARI` | 🚫 | | [Expo Application Services](https://expo.dev/eas) | `ci.EAS` | 🚫 | | [Gerrit CI](https://www.gerritcodereview.com) | `ci.GERRIT` | 🚫 | | [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/features/actions/) | `ci.GITHUB_ACTIONS` | ✅ | | [GitLab CI](https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ci/) | `ci.GITLAB` | ✅ | | [GoCD](https://www.go.cd/) | `ci.GOCD` | 🚫 | | [Google Cloud Build](https://cloud.google.com/build) | `ci.GOOGLE_CLOUD_BUILD` | 🚫 | | [Heroku](https://www.heroku.com) | `ci.HEROKU` | 🚫 | | [Hudson](http://hudson-ci.org) | `ci.HUDSON` | 🚫 | | [Jenkins CI](https://jenkins-ci.org) | `ci.JENKINS` | ✅ | | [LayerCI](https://layerci.com/) | `ci.LAYERCI` | ✅ | | [Magnum CI](https://magnum-ci.com) | `ci.MAGNUM` | 🚫 | | [Netlify CI](https://www.netlify.com/) | `ci.NETLIFY` | ✅ | | [Nevercode](http://nevercode.io/) | `ci.NEVERCODE` | ✅ | | [ReleaseHub](https://releasehub.com/) | `ci.RELEASEHUB` | 🚫 | | [Render](https://render.com/) | `ci.RENDER` | ✅ | | [Sail CI](https://sail.ci/) | `ci.SAIL` | ✅ | | [Screwdriver](https://screwdriver.cd/) | `ci.SCREWDRIVER` | ✅ | | [Semaphore](https://semaphoreci.com) | `ci.SEMAPHORE` | ✅ | | [Shippable](https://www.shippable.com/) | `ci.SHIPPABLE` | ✅ | | [Solano CI](https://www.solanolabs.com/) | `ci.SOLANO` | ✅ | | [Sourcehut](https://sourcehut.org/) | `ci.SOURCEHUT` | 🚫 | | [Strider CD](https://strider-cd.github.io/) | `ci.STRIDER` | 🚫 | | [TaskCluster](http://docs.taskcluster.net) | `ci.TASKCLUSTER` | 🚫 | | [TeamCity](https://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/) by JetBrains | `ci.TEAMCITY` | 🚫 | | [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org) | `ci.TRAVIS` | ✅ | | [Vercel](https://vercel.com/) | `ci.VERCEL` | 🚫 | | [Visual Studio App Center](https://appcenter.ms/) | `ci.APPCENTER` | 🚫 | | [Woodpecker](https://woodpecker-ci.org/) | `ci.WOODPECKER` | ✅ | ## API ### `ci.name` Returns a string containing name of the CI server the code is running on. If CI server is not detected, it returns `null`. Don't depend on the value of this string not to change for a specific vendor. If you find your self writing `ci.name === 'Travis CI'`, you most likely want to use `ci.TRAVIS` instead. ### `ci.isCI` Returns a boolean. Will be `true` if the code is running on a CI server, otherwise `false`. Some CI servers not listed here might still trigger the `ci.isCI` boolean to be set to `true` if they use certain vendor neutral environment variables. In those cases `ci.name` will be `null` and no vendor specific boolean will be set to `true`. ### `ci.isPR` Returns a boolean if PR detection is supported for the current CI server. Will be `true` if a PR is being tested, otherwise `false`. If PR detection is not supported for the current CI server, the value will be `null`. ### `ci.` A vendor specific boolean constant is exposed for each support CI vendor. A constant will be `true` if the code is determined to run on the given CI server, otherwise `false`. Examples of vendor constants are `ci.TRAVIS` or `ci.APPVEYOR`. For a complete list, see the support table above. Deprecated vendor constants that will be removed in the next major release: - `ci.TDDIUM` (Solano CI) This have been renamed `ci.SOLANO` ## Ports ci-info has been ported to the following languages | Language | Repository | |----------|------------| | Go | https://github.com/hofstadter-io/cinful | | Rust | https://github.com/sagiegurari/ci_info | | Kotlin | https://github.com/cloudflightio/ci-info | ## License [MIT](LICENSE)