Time slots app prototype
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
2.8 KiB

export { A as AssertType, E as EnhancedSpy, q as ExpectTypeOf, x as Mock, y as MockContext, w as MockInstance, z as Mocked, B as MockedClass, u as MockedFunction, v as MockedObject, S as SpyInstance, j as afterAll, l as afterEach, r as assertType, h as beforeAll, k as beforeEach, n as createExpect, e as describe, m as expect, p as expectTypeOf, i as it, o as onTestFailed, d as suite, t as test } from './index-2d10c3fd.js';
import { b as ResolvedConfig } from './types-e1e1d1e5.js';
export { a1 as AfterSuiteRunMeta, A as ApiConfig, a7 as ArgumentsType, a6 as Arrayable, a4 as Awaitable, ao as BaseCoverageOptions, au as BenchFunction, as as Benchmark, av as BenchmarkAPI, at as BenchmarkResult, ar as BenchmarkUserOptions, B as BuiltinEnvironment, j as CSSModuleScopeStrategy, C as CollectLineNumbers, g as CollectLines, ab as Constructable, i as Context, aq as CoverageC8Options, ap as CoverageIstanbulOptions, am as CoverageOptions, aj as CoverageProvider, ak as CoverageProviderModule, al as CoverageReporter, a9 as DeepMerge, D as DoneCallback, ae as Environment, E as EnvironmentOptions, ad as EnvironmentReturn, ah as ErrorWithDiff, a as File, x as HookCleanupCallback, H as HookListener, I as InlineConfig, J as JSDOMOptions, a8 as MergeInsertions, ac as ModuleCache, c as ModuleGraphData, aa as MutableArray, a5 as Nullable, ai as OnServerRestartHandler, O as OnTestFailedHandler, ag as ParsedStack, e as RawErrsMap, d as Reporter, a0 as ResolveIdFunction, b as ResolvedConfig, an as ResolvedCoverageOptions, h as RootAndTarget, m as RunMode, R as RuntimeConfig, K as RuntimeContext, S as SequenceHooks, P as SnapshotData, X as SnapshotMatchOptions, Y as SnapshotResult, W as SnapshotStateOptions, _ as SnapshotSummary, Q as SnapshotUpdateState, q as Suite, w as SuiteAPI, z as SuiteCollector, G as SuiteFactory, y as SuiteHooks, s as Task, o as TaskBase, p as TaskResult, T as TaskResultPack, n as TaskState, r as Test, v as TestAPI, L as TestContext, t as TestFunction, u as TestOptions, f as TscErrorInfo, l as TypecheckConfig, Z as UncheckedSnapshot, U as UserConfig, af as UserConsoleLog, N as Vitest, V as VitestEnvironment, k as VitestRunMode, $ as WorkerContext, a3 as WorkerGlobalState, a2 as WorkerRPC } from './types-e1e1d1e5.js';
import * as chai from 'chai';
export { chai };
export { assert, should } from 'chai';
export { Bench as BenchFactory, Options as BenchOptions, Task as BenchTask, TaskResult as BenchTaskResult } from 'tinybench';
import 'tinyspy';
import 'vite';
import 'vite-node/client';
import 'vite-node/server';
import 'vite-node';
import 'node:fs';
import 'node:worker_threads';
declare function startTests(paths: string[], config: ResolvedConfig): Promise<void>;
declare function setupGlobalEnv(config: ResolvedConfig): Promise<void>;
export { setupGlobalEnv, startTests };