Time slots app prototype
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

333 lines
10 KiB

import np from 'path'
import nfs from 'fs'
import {performance} from 'perf_hooks'
import log from '../src/utils/logger'
import {program as cli} from 'commander'
import FileSystem from '../src/bundler/fs'
import Runner from '../src/bundler/runner'
import Bundler from '../src/bundler/bundle'
import Cache from '../src/bundler/cache'
import {resolveConfig,resolveFile,resolvePackage,getCacheDir, resolvePath} from '../src/bundler/utils'
import {resolvePresets,merge as extendConfig} from '../src/bundler/config'
import { spawn } from 'child_process'
import { viteServerConfigFile, resolveWithFallbacks, ensurePackagesInstalled, vitestSetupPath } from '../src/utils/vite'
import create from './create.imba'
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'
import tmp from 'tmp'
import getport from 'get-port'
const fmt = {
int: do(val) parseInt(val)
i: do(val) val == 'max' ? 0 : parseInt(val)
v: do(dummy,prev) prev + 1
let imbapkg = resolvePackage(np.resolve(__dirname,'..')) or {}
const overrides = {}
let argv = process.argv.slice(0)
const overrideAliases = {
M: {minify: false}
m: {minify: true}
S: {sourcemap: false}
s: {sourcemap: true}
const valueMap = {
'true': true
'false': false
'null': null
'undefined': undefined
for item,i in argv
continue unless item
if item.match(/^\-\-(\w+)(\.\w+)+$/)
let val = argv[i+1]
let path = item.slice(2).split('.')
let cfg = overrides
argv[i] = null
while path[1]
cfg = cfg[path[0]] ||= {}
let aliased = overrideAliases[path[0]]
if aliased
if val.indexOf(' ') >= 0
val = val.split(/\,\s*|\s+/g)
val = valueMap[val] or val
cfg[path[0]] = val
argv[i] = null
argv[i+1] = null
argv = argv.filter do $1 !== null
def parseOptions options, extras = []
return options if options.#parsed
let command = options._name
options = options.opts! if options.opts isa Function
let cwd = options.cwd ||= process.cwd!
options.imbaPath ||= np.resolve(__dirname,'..')
options.command = command
options.extras = extras
options.config = resolveConfig(cwd,options.config or 'imbaconfig.json')
options.package = resolvePackage(cwd) or {}
options.dotenv = resolveFile('.env',cwd)
options.nodeModulesPath = resolvePath('node_modules',cwd)
if options.dotenv
options.dotvars = dotenv.parse(options.dotenv.body)
if options.esm
options.as ??= 'esm'
if options.verbose > 1
options.loglevel ||= 'debug'
elif options.verbose
options.loglevel ||= 'info'
if options.development
options.minify ??= no
options.sourcemap ??= yes
options.watch ??= yes
options.hmr = yes
options.mode = 'development'
if options.production
options.minify ??= yes
options.sourcemap ??= no
options.hmr = no
options.mode = 'production'
if command == 'build'
options.minify ??= yes
options.mode ??= 'production'
options.sourcemap ??= no
options.loglevel ||= 'info'
options.outdir ||= 'dist'
if options.web and command != 'build'
command = options.command = 'serve'
# console.log 'changing to serve!!'
if options.web and command != 'serve'
# if we are serving - the entrypoint will be redirected to a server-script
options.as ??= 'web'
if command == 'serve'
options.watch = yes
options.hmr = yes
if options.watch
options.loglevel ||= 'info'
if options.mode == 'development'
options.hmr = yes
if options.force
options.mtime = Date.now!
let statFiles = [
# also check mtime of project?
options.mtime = Math.max(...statFiles.map(do nfs.statSync($1).mtimeMs))
options.loglevel ||= 'warning'
options.cachedir = getCacheDir(options)
global.#IMBA_OPTIONS = options
options.#parsed = yes
return options
def eject(o)
o = parseOptions(o)
const configPath = "vite.config.server.js"
if nfs.existsSync(configPath) and !o.force
return console.log "You already have a vite.config.server in your project. Delete it or use `imba eject --force` to overwrite"
const configContent = nfs.readFileSync(viteServerConfigFile, 'utf-8')
nfs.writeFileSync(configPath, configContent.replace(/\/\/eject\s/g, ''))
console.log "✅ vite.config.server.mjs has been successfully {o.force ? 'overwritten': 'created'}"
const setupPath = "test-setup.js"
if nfs.existsSync(setupPath) and !o.force
return console.log "You already have a test-setup.js in your project. Delete it or use `imba eject --force` to overwrite"
const setupContent = nfs.readFileSync(vitestSetupPath, 'utf-8')
nfs.writeFileSync(setupPath, setupContent)
console.log "✅ test-setup.js has been successfully {o.force ? 'overwritten': 'created'}"
console.log "💎 You can still run the project using imba <server.imba> --vite and it will pick your config"
console.log "💎 Run `vite build -c vite.config.server.js` to create your build"
console.log "⚠️ You might need to change the entry from server.imba to the name of your entry file"
console.log "✨ Visit https://vitejs.dev/ to check the docs or join https://imba.io/community if you get stuck or simply have a question"
def test o
await ensurePackagesInstalled(['vitest', '@testing-library/dom', '@testing-library/jest-dom', 'jsdom'], process.cwd())
const vitest-path = np.join(process.cwd(), "node_modules/.bin", "vitest")
let configFile = resolveWithFallbacks(viteServerConfigFile, ["vitest.config.ts", "vitest.config.js", "vite.config.ts", "vite.config.js", "vite.config.server.js"])
if configFile == viteServerConfigFile
const original-setup-file = np.join(__dirname, "./test-setup.js")
# pick test setup file path
let setupFile = resolveWithFallbacks("test-setup", ["imba", "ts", "js", "mjs", "cjs"], {ext:"js"})
if setupFile == "test-setup.js"
setupFile = np.resolve original-setup-file
# create a temporary vite config file
const tmp-config = np.join __dirname, "temp-config.vite.js"
const body = nfs.readFileSync(viteServerConfigFile, "utf-8")
# inject the user's test setup file or the default one we provide
nfs.writeFileSync tmp-config, body.replace(/\/\*pholder\*\//g, "'{np.resolve(setupFile)}'")
configFile = tmp-config
const params = ["--config", configFile, "--root", process.cwd(), "--dir", process.cwd(), ...o.args]
const options =
cwd: process.cwd()
env: {
stdio: "inherit"
const vitest = spawn vitest-path, params, options
def run entry, o, extras
return cli.help! unless o.args.length > 0
let [path,q] = entry.split('?')
path = np.resolve(path)
let prog = o = parseOptions(o,extras)
o.cache = new Cache(o)
o.fs = new FileSystem(o.cwd,o)
if o.vite
await ensurePackagesInstalled(['vite', 'vite-node', 'vite-plugin-imba'], process.cwd())
# TODO support multiple entrypoints - especially for html
if !o.outdir
if o.command == 'build'
o.outdir = 'dist'
let tmpdir = tmp.dirSync(unsafeCleanup: yes)
o.outdir = o.tmpdir = nfs.realpathSync(tmpdir.name)
# fake loader
let file = o.fs.lookup(path)
if q
o.as = q.replace(/^as=/,'')
elif file.ext == '.html'
o.as = 'html'
unless o.command == 'build'
o.as = 'node'
let params = resolvePresets(prog.config,{entryPoints: [file.rel]},o.as or 'node')
unless o.command == 'build'
o.port ||= await getport(port: getport.makeRange(3000, 3100))
let bundle = new Bundler(o,params)
let out
out = await bundle.build! unless o.vite
if o.command == 'build'
if o.vite
let Vite = await import("vite")
const configFile = resolveWithFallbacks(viteServerConfigFile, ["vite.config.ts", "vite.config.js", "vite.config.ts", "vite.config.js", "vite.config.server.js"])
await Vite.build
# configFile: configFile
configFile: configFile
input: entry
let run = do
o.name ||= entry
let runner = new Runner(bundle,o)
if o.vite
await runner.initVite!
if o.vite
elif out..main
elif o.watch
let binary = cli.storeOptionsAsProperties(false).version(imbapkg.version).name('imba')
def common cmd
.option("-o, --outdir <dir>", "Directory to output files")
.option("-w, --watch", "Continously build and watch project")
.option("-v, --verbose", "verbosity (repeat to increase)",fmt.v,0)
.option("-s, --sourcemap", "verbosity (repeat to increase)",fmt.v,0)
.option("-m, --minify", "Minify generated files")
.option("-M, --no-minify", "Disable minifying")
.option("-f, --force", "Disregard previously cached outputs")
.option("-k, --keep", "Keep existing files in output directory")
.option("-S, --no-sourcemap", "Omit sourcemaps")
.option("-d, --development","Use defaults for development")
.option("-p, --production","Use defaults for production")
.option("--vite", "Use Vite as a bundler for the server")
.option("--skipReloadingFor <glob>", "Skip reloading server code for these globs (micromatch format)")
.option("--bundle", "Try to bundle all external dependencies")
.option("--base <url>", "Base url for your generated site","/")
.option("--assets-dir <url>", "Base dir for assets","assets")
.option("--web","Build entrypoints for the browser")
.option("--esm","Output module files")
common(cli.command('run [script]', { isDefault: true }).description('Imba'))
.option("-i, --instances [count]", "Number of instances to start",fmt.i,1)
.option("--inspect", "Debug")
common(cli.command('build <script>').description('Build an imba/js/html entrypoint and their dependencies'))
.option("--platform <platform>", "Platform for entry","browser")
# .option("--as <preset>", "Configuration preset","node")
# watch should be implied?
common(cli.command('serve <script>').description('Spawn a webserver for an imba/js/html entrypoint'))
.option("-i, --instances [count]", "Number of instances to start",fmt.i,1)
.command('eject').description('Output the default vite config file to allow customizing it (no worries, you can delete and imba will use the default one)')
.option("-f, --force", "Overwrite vite.config.server.js file when it exists")
.command('test').description('Run tests: This is a wrapper on top of vitest')
.option("-h, --help", "Display help (Link to https://vitest.dev/)")
.command('create [name]')
.description('Create a new imba project')
.option('-t, --template [template]', 'Specify a template instead of selecting one interactively')
.option('-y, --yes', 'Say yes to any confirmation prompts')
.action(do create($1, $2.opts!))
log.ts 'parse options'