Framework agnostic front-end router based on store pattern
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
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module.exports = window.R =
# local cache
_location: location
_replaceState: history.replaceState.bind(history)
_pushState: history.pushState.bind(history)
_decodeURIComponent: decodeURIComponent
_encodeURIComponent: encodeURIComponent
init: (opts = {}) ->
@root ||= opts.root || 'root'
@views ||= opts.views || window.Views || [@root]
@render ||= opts.render || window.render
@h ||= opts.helpers || window._
window.onpopstate = @url_changed.bind(@)
cache: {}
getters: {}
setters: {}
param: (key) ->
if @getters[key]
then @cache[key] ||= @getters[key]( @_decodeURIComponent(@params[key] || '') )
else @_decodeURIComponent(@params[key] || '')
write: ->
# accept arguments keeping key, value, key, value order
# serialize using setters
# if no argument given just refresh url and rerender
for k, i in arguments
unless i % 2
v = arguments[i+1]
@_replaceState {},
@_location.pathname, @to_path(@view, @params)
_write: (k,v) ->
value = if @setters[k] then @setters[k](v) else v
if value
then @params[k] = @_encodeURIComponent(value)
else delete @params[k]
toggle: (flag, state) ->
@write flag, if state?
then ( 1 if state )
else ( 1 if !@params[flag] )
go: (path) ->
@_pushState {}, null, path
read: ->
[@view, @params] = @split_path @_location.pathname
split_path: (path) ->
return [ @root, {} ] if path.length == 1
list = @h.compact path.split("/")
view = @_existance list.shift()
params = @h.fromPairs @h.chunk(list, 2)
[ view, params ]
_existance: (view) ->
if @h.includes(@views, view) then view else 'not_found'
_safe_params: ->
@safe_params = @h.fromPairs @h.reject @h.toPairs(@params), (pair) ->
/^_/.test pair[0]
to_path: (view = @view, params = @safe_params) ->
array = @h.flatten @h.toPairs(params)
'/' + view + '/' + array.join('/')
url_changed: ->
@cache = {}