You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
2.9 KiB

global css
html, body m:0 p:0
body ff:mono bgc:gray9 mt:80px mt@portrait: 0
a c:violet6 td:none td@hover:underline
.active filter:brightness(130%)
.activated bgc:violet3
.disabled, .disabled@hover filter:grayscale(100%)
.zoomed scale:1.05
.button d:inline-block m:2px bgc:none c:violet7 td:none bxs:sm us:none cursor:pointer
.button@hover, bxs:md filter:hue-rotate(5deg) mb:0px pt:12px td:none
.button, code, .bordered p:10px bd:2px solid violet5 rd:10px d:inline-block
.bordered p:2.5px bw:1.5px c:violet9
.night filter:invert(20%)
bg:linear-gradient(to right,violet7,blue6,violet7)
tag App
d:vcc mx:auto my:50px bgc:white p:40px pb:60px rd:5px maw:1024px of:auto
@lt-xs m:0 px:0 rd:0
<self.night=R.param('night') .zoomed=R.param('zoomed')>
<h2.gradient> "pro-router-imba2: Imba2 integration with pro-router"
<[d:flex flw:wrap w:100% jc:space-between]>
<pro-ref view="b" params={ project: 2}> "b/project/2"
<pro-ref-f view="c" params={ book: 3}> "c/book/3"
<input$v type='text' value=R.param('e') @keyup=R.write('e', $v.value)>
tag app-menu
<self[d:flex fld:row flw@lt-xs:wrap mx:auto mb: 50px jc:center]>
<pro-ref.button view=v> v.toUpperCase! for v in R.views
tag param-preview
<self> "{R.view}: {JSON.stringify(R.params).replace(/"/g, ' ')}"
tag imba-code < pre
prop file
prop url
&.no-code code.content p:0
code d:block bd:0 rd:0 bgc:gray8
&.file bgc:amber3
&.content c:gray3
&.url bgc:gray3
.url bgc:white c:gray7 rd:full p:4px
<self[bgc:gray1 bd:1.1px solid gray3 fs:larger bxs:md]>
<code.file> file if file
<code.url><.url> url if url
<slot name='live'>
tag code-inline < imba-code
code d:inline-block
tag c-el
css d:inline c:gray3
tag c-op < c-el
css c:white fw:bold
tag c-fl < c-el
css c:purple5
tag c-c < c-el
css c:blue3
tag c-com < c-el
css c:gray5
"# "
tag c-str < c-el
<self> "'{<[c:amber6 d:inline]><slot>}'"
global css .c-br c:amber4 d:inline
tag c-tag < c-el
<[c:blue4 d:inline]><slot>
tag c-tag-def < c-el
"tag "
<[c:green5 d:inline]><slot>
tag c-let < c-el
"let "
tag pro-tip
<self[bgc:gray0 p:15px]>
<[c:violet7 fw:bold txs:amber4 bdb:1.5px solid violet4]> "PRO TIP: "
global def Goto(target)
global css
bgc:yellow1 py:30px mb:60px w:fit-content
li pr: 35px
li@hover cursor:pointer
ul fw:bold
li li fw:normal c:blue6
li li@hover c:blue4
tag content-list < ul
import './views/home.imba'
import './views/installation.imba'
import './views/usage.imba'
import './views/choosing-router-style.imba'
imba.mount <App>