Imba integration with pro-router.js
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
564 B

tag ref < a
prop view
prop target
prop go
attr onclick
def setup
@r = R
def render
< href=link onclick='return false'>
def is_active
var view, params
[ view, params ] = @r.split_path(link)
view == @r:view && L.isEqual params, @r:params
def ontap e
return if is_active
@r.go dom:href
window.scrollTo 0, 0
def link
@go || url
def url
if @target
var attributes = L.reduce L.concat({}, @target), do |map, el|
map[el:type] = el:id
@r.to_path @view, L.defaults attributes || {}, @r:safe_params